
Scripts and notes about measuring metadata propagation in R&E federations

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Scripts and notes about measuring metadata propagation in R&E federations

This is prepping some background data for https://wiki.geant.org/display/gn43tip/New+Idea+Submission#NewIdeaSubmission-EnhanceeduGAINopsinstrumentationwithgeneralmetadatadashboardandaugmentexistingeduGAINAPItoquerysaidstats

Author: Alex Stuart, alex.stuart@jisc.ac.uk


Initial deployment

  • Deploy a Shibboleth SP on RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Register the SP, example using hostname p3w-ds.dev.ukfederation.org.uk

Prepare a test run

    <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://p3w-ds.dev.ukfederation.org.uk/464bdab4-0b5d-4fca-8543-ae135f8ced01/SAML2/POST" index="7"/>

The test run

When you set off the test runs depends on whether you want the IdPs which use MDQ to have the SP metadata in cache. If you want them to have the metadata in cache, you should start the test some time (a few minutes) before the new metadata is published. Starting the test after the new metadata has been published should (in most circumstances) ensure that the IdPs using MDQ do not have the probe SP's metadata in cache.

You can extract entityIDs of Shiboleth IdPs registered in the UK federation

xsltproc listShibbolethIdPsinUKf.xsl ukfederation-metadata.xsl > 2018-04-04-Shib-v3-IdP-entityIDs.txt

Whichever start time you choose, the command to run is something like:

nohup ./propagate.pl -r https://p3w-ds.dev.ukfederation.org.uk/464bdab4-0b5d-4fca-8543-ae135f8ced01/Login -f 2018-04-04-Shib-v3-IdP-entityIDs.txt >> results/2018-06-01-output.txt &

The output file contains one line per probe, consisting of datestamp, entityID, HTTP return code triples. When you're finished recording you stop the process using kill.

NOTE: It takes some hours for metadata to propagate. Avoid running the probe from a VM with auto-shutdown.


  • first200.pl determines the first occurence of HTTP 200 success
  • increasing.pl record timestamps when number increases
  • process.sh runs both those scripts together and outputs (timestamp, number) pairs into an output file
  • plot.R takes the output from process.sh and makes a preview PNG file of results
$ ./process.sh results/2018-06-01-output.txt 
$ ./plot.R results/2018-06-01-output.txt.processed 
$ ls -l results/2018-06-01-output.txt.processed.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 alex.stuart  staff  25421  2 Jun 09:09 results/2018-06-01-output.txt.processed.png

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