StuHub Build Status

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This is the repository for StuHub, an online app built using Ruby on Rails and hosted on Heroku.


This cannot be run properly on a local environment without the appropriate Environment Variables. Contact the developers for those.

Software required: Redis Server for Resque.

Otherwise just clone it or download an archive.

With an appropriate Heroku setup, run bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb inside the StuHub folder.

You'll also need to run redis-server for the Redis server and then env QUEUE=* TERM_CHILD=1 bundle exec rake environment resque:work to launch the resque server.

If you need the chat server, run bundle exec rackup -s thin -E production inside the StuHub-Faye folder as well.

For more specific things, please contact the developers.


Please open an issue for any errors, problems, and suggestions.

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CMPT276 Fall 2015 Group 5