
An individual assignment that includes using XML to store the input and retrieve data. Both the admin and the client can exchange messages to each other. HTTP52023 Joanna Kommala

Primary LanguagePHP

HTTP5203 XML Project - Ticket System

HTTP5203 - Individual Assignment


  • I was required to create 2 XML files for a support ticket system:

    • one for users that login and one for tickets.
    • For each XML file, an XML Schema was created to define the structure for each file.
  • Once those XML files were created and populated with mock data, I was required to use PHP to create a functional support ticket system application using the data from the XML files. This included:

    • A user can login to view his or her tickets (client) or view all tickets (admin).
    • A user can create support tickets by submitting an issue (an initial message).
    • both the client and the admin can submit messages to the ticket that both sides can see.
    • Tickets can be marked as closed by an admin.


  • XML
  • Schemas



login view



  • Username: emmy | Password: emmy


  • Username: danc | Password: danc

login view login view login view