
a simple drag and drop composable

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Drag and drop composable for Vue 3, hook for React (BETA) and Svelte action (coming soon).

useDragster is a function that allows easy drag and drop functionality to shuffle arrays of items. It requires items and dropZoneClass parameters to be passed in for it to work.

React Hook INFO

The react hook is currently in BETA and not optimised for production, I would advise against using it at this time. it requires more than an adapter and will need a full rewrite, I think the API for react might need to be a bit different. COMING SOON


npm install @alextana/dragster

Then in your component you can import the vue composable by doing:


import { useDragster } from '@alextana/dragster/react'


import { useDragster } from '@alextana/dragster/vue'


Once installed and imported in your file you can use the composable like so:

const { lists, onDragEnd, onDragStart } = useDragster({ items: [obj1, obj2],
dropZoneClass: 'dragster-dropzone', itemClass: 'dragster', animationDuration: 200 })


The useDragster composable requires a parameters object with the following properties:

  • items (required): an array of objects representing the items to be dragged and dropped. Each object should have an id property that uniquely identifies the item.
  • dropZoneClass (required): a string representing the class to be used for the drop zone elements.
  • itemClass (required): a string representing the class to be used for the draggable item elements.
  • animationDuration (optional): if you're using any animation then you'll need to pass the value (in ms) as a Number.

Returned object

The useDragster function returns an object with the following properties:

  • lists: a reactive ref containing the updated lists after drag and drop operations.

  • onDragEnd: a function that accepts a callback to be executed when the dragging operation ends. Returns an object with an off function that can be used to remove the callback. And it's used like so: onDragEnd(() => { // do something after drag ends })

  • onDragStart: a function that accepts a callback to be executed when the dragging operation starts. Returns an object with an off function that can be used to remove the callback. And it's used like so: onDragStart(() => { // do something after drag starts })



Similar to the vue implementation, react uses a custom hook, all you need to do is grab lists returned from useDragster and loop through it to create the lists. onDragStart and onDragEnd are also available as events, if you need to use them to for example update a value in a database.

import { useDragster } from '@alextana/dragster/react'
import { useAutoAnimate } from '@formkit/auto-animate/react'
// using FormKit's autoAnimate to animate the list with minimal effort

const DragDropExample = () => {
  const sets = [
      { id: 4453, name: 'Potato 🥔' },
      { id: 456, name: 'Aubergine 🍆' },
      { id: 789, name: 'Carrot 🥕 ' },
      { id: 321, name: 'Strawberry 🍓' },
      { id: 654, name: 'Peach 🍑' },
      { id: 9874545, name: 'Dog 🐶' },
      { id: 6590, name: 'Cat 🐱' },
      { id: 322345, name: 'Whale 🐳' },
      { id: 785659, name: 'Horse 🐴' },
      { id: 246766, name: 'Bear 🧸' },

  const { lists, onDragStart, onDragEnd } = useDragster({
    items: sets,
    dropZoneClass: 'dragster-dropzone',
    itemClass: 'dragster',
    animationDuration: 200,

  return (
    <div className='grid grid-cols-1 place-content-center w-full'>
      <div className='lists w-full grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 gap-3 mt-8'>
        {lists &&
          lists.map((list, index) => <ItemList key={index} items={list} />

const ItemList = ({
}: {
  items: Array<{ id: number; name: string }>
}) => {
  const [parent] = useAutoAnimate()
  return (
      className='dragster-dropzone transition-colors bg-base-300 border border-primary/60
      shadow-xl hover:shadow-primary/30 p-6 rounded-2xl'
      {items &&
        items.map((item) => (
            className='dragster cursor-grab transition-colors text-center
            h-[50px] py-2 bg-base-100 hover:bg-primary hover:text-primary-content
            my-3 rounded-2xl grid place-content-center'

export default DragDropExample


To build your template with draggable items you will need to loop through the returned list from the composable to have reactivity.

A quick example of two lists with draggable items would look like this

  <script setup>
    import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
    import { useDragster } from '@alextana/dragster/vue'

    // First array
    const array1 = reactive([
      { id: 4453, name: 'Connie 🧸' },
      { id: 456, name: 'Bradley 🧸' },
      { id: 789, name: 'Marvin 🧸' },
      { id: 321, name: 'Simon 🦧' },
      { id: 654, name: 'Klaus 🧸' }

    // Second array
    const array2 = reactive([
      { id: 9874545, name: 'Emma 🤪' },
      { id: 6590, name: 'Bailey 🧸' },
      { id: 322345, name: 'Peanut 🧸' },
      { id: 785659, name: 'Bluebell 🐳' },
      { id: 246766, name: 'Mabel 🧸' }

    const { lists, onDragEnd, onDragStart } = useDragster({
      items: [array1, array2],
      dropZoneClass: 'dragster-dropzone',
      itemClass: 'dragster',
      animationDuration: 200 // based on the transition declared in css

    onDragStart(() => {
      // do something when dragging starts

    onDragEnd(() => {
      // Do something when drag ends

  <div class="dragster-dropzone">
    <div v-for="item in lists" :key="item.id">
        :id="item.id.toString()" class="dragster"
          {{ item.name }}



For react you have multiple options to animate the list, in the component example you can see how we use Formkit AutoAnimate to do it.


Animations are not baked in but Vue makes it really easy to do your own, you could do something like wrapping each list in a TransitionGroup component and adding some styles:

<TransitionGroup name="fade" tag="div">
    <div v-for="item in lists[1]" :key="item.id">
    <!-- ..... -->
.fade-leave-active {
  transition: all 0.2s ease;

.fade-leave-to {
  opacity: 0;

.fade-leave-active {
  position: absolute;
  transition: 0s; /* important so the element doesn't stick when the transition starts */