
simple react stocks app using iex api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

To Run:

git clone https://github.com/alexthedar/stocks-react.git
cd stocks-react
npm i
npm run start

To Test

npm run test

Other npm commands

npm run start:logger

Starts app with redux logging in the console.

npm run test:coverage

Runs tests with coverage report at finish.


  • App loads latest trades from IEX
  • User can go back to front page / market page by clicking on Market in navbar
  • User can go to detail page of stock by clicking on row in market table
  • User can got to detail page by typing in stock symbol in search input in navbar
  • Search navbar will suggest stock symbols based on user input
  • Search navbar will fill input with suggestion upon enter (a second press is needed to submit stock symbol)
  • User may click on stock symbol in stock detail page to go to stock website
  • User may click on card of news item to co to news article website
  • User/developer may see redux logger in console
  • User can sort each column acs/desc by clicking on column.
  • Data is paginated
  • User can determine how many entries to show on page


  • App utilizes iex data
  • Redux is used to store stock symbols, market data, stock detail data
  • React-bootstrap was used for styling
  • React-bootstrap-table2 was used for table
  • Typeahead was used for typeahead input
  • Testing uses Jest, Enzyme, chai


.env.development.local has been removed from the .gitignore only for the purposes of this challenge. Current coverage examples for some files are unacceptable for a production app