A Javascript Todo App with all the trendy technologies
Allows you to authenticate through JWT Tokens to a Django Rest Framework backend API to create and delete Todo's
The Frontend can be served from a nginx server and/or cached with a CDN.
The backend is totally separated and can run on another server
It doesn't supports patching todos or registering to the server, as it is just a proof of concept to find the best practices working with these technologies .
- Semantic-Ui-React
- React
- Redux
- Django
- Django-Rest-Framework
- JWT Authentication
Run cd backend
Run pip3 install django-rest-framework djangorestframework-jwt django-cors-headers
Run python3 manage.py migrate
Create a user with python3 manage.py createsuperuser
Run cd frontend
Run npm install
(Not tested yet, but it should work ?)
Run python3 manage.py runserver
in the backend
Run npm start
in the frontend
Enjoy ! Your default Browser should open the Todo List !