- 1
- 1
Out of memory (OOM)
#16 opened by qhdqhd - 2
Positional Encoding
#3 opened by collinarnett - 3
Confusion on section 3.3
#4 opened by collinarnett - 0
Pre-trained models and training settings
#15 opened by derrick-xwp - 0
- 0
- 0
How to render a 3D surface?
#12 opened by caiyongqi - 1
How do you organize your dataset directory?
#11 opened by Chester-CS - 0
How to get the unseen category/scene result as section 4.2, 4.3 and How to train several classes together for generlization?
#10 opened by dedoogong - 3
Training time
#9 opened by sstzal - 2
Question about the CNN model
#8 opened by sstzal - 5
A question about the section 3.5
#7 opened by sstzal - 4
About Intrinsic Matrix
#6 opened by GaryGky - 5
Some questions about the paper
#2 opened by kwea123 - 2
A question on Section 4.1 (SHAPENETV2)
#5 opened by wdmwhh - 1
Code release time
#1 opened by cffan