
Redis session store for Connect

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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connect-redis is a Redis session store backed by node_redis, and is insanely fast :). Requires redis >= 2.0.0 for the SETEX command.


npm install connect-redis express-session

Pass the express-session store into connect-redis to create a RedisStore constructor.

var session = require('express-session');
var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);

    store: new RedisStore(options),
    secret: 'keyboard cat'


A Redis client is required. An existing client can be passed directly using the client param or created for you using the host, port, or socket params. - client An existing client - host Redis server hostname - port Redis server portno - socket Redis server unix_socket - url Redis server url

The following additional params may be included:

  • ttl Redis session TTL (expiration) in seconds. Defaults to session.maxAge (if set), or one day.
  • disableTTL Disables setting TTL, keys will stay in redis until evicted by other means (overides ttl)
  • db Database index to use. Defaults to Redis's default (0).
  • pass Password for Redis authentication
  • prefix Key prefix defaulting to "sess:"
  • unref Set true to unref the Redis client. Warning: this is an experimental feature.
  • serializer An object containing stringify and parse methods compatible with Javascript's JSON to override the serializer used
  • logErrors Whether or not to log client errors. (default: false)
    • If true, a default logging function (console.error) is provided.
    • If a function, it is called anytime an error occurs (useful for custom logging)
    • If false, no logging occurs.

Any options not included in this list will be passed to the redis createClient() method directly.

Custom Redis clients

Clients other than node_redis will work if they support the same interface. Just pass the client instance as the client configuration option. Known supported clients include:

  • ioredis - adds support for Redis Sentinel and Cluster


How do I handle lost connections to Redis?

By default, the node_redis client will auto-reconnect when a connection is lost. But requests may come in during that time. In express, one way this scenario can be handled is including a "session check" after setting up a session (checking for the existence of req.session):

app.use(session( /* setup session here */ ))
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  if (!req.session) {
    return next(new Error('oh no')) // handle error
  next() // otherwise continue

If you want to retry, here is another option.
