
Files for my mac setup

Setup files for my mac

This repository contains the everything that I need to set up my mac.

Many of the set up instructions are derived / enhanced from http://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/


- Alfred
- Evernote
- 1Password
- Slack
- Astro Email Client
- Xcode

Developer Tools

- iTerm
- Sexy Bash Prompt: https://github.com/twolfson/sexy-bash-prompt


Install the package "sync-settings" and restore the packages: - Personal Access Token: See 1Password / Github - Gist Id: f9c1c4163d4ed48fa93c68ff6d1e959a


  1. Download iTerm2

  2. Replace ~/.bash_profile file with the one in this repository

  3. Install sexy-bash-prompt. See website for latest installation instructions

    (cd /tmp && git clone --depth 1 --config core.autocrlf=false https://github.com/twolfson/sexy-bash-prompt && cd sexy-bash-prompt && make install) && source ~/.bashrc

    Sexy-bash-prompt will automatically add the most up to date .bash_prompt file to your home directory, and append the line

    . ~/.bash_prompt

    to your .bashrc

  4. Configure iTerm2 to sync preferences in dotfiles (thanks to Trevor Brown's blog post)

    • Open iTerm2
    • Select iTerm2 > Preferences
    • Under the General tab, check the box "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL"
    • Press "Browse" and point to ~/dotfiles/iTerm2_profile
  5. Use this link to set up git autocompletion: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21897728/how-to-toggle-running-xcode-project-in-debug-or-release-mode-by-using-only-short

My custom keyboard shortcuts for iTerm2 as as follows:

Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ i Global open/close iTerm2

Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ k Split pane horizontally (aka get one up and one down)
Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ l Split pane vertically (aka get one left one right)

Command ⌘ Select split pane on left
Command ⌘ Select split pane on left
Command ⌘ Select split pane above
Command ⌘ Select split pane below

Command ⌘ Option ⌥ Swap with split pane on left
Command ⌘ Option ⌥ Swap with split pane on left
Command ⌘ Option ⌥ Swap with split pane above
Command ⌘ Option ⌥ Swap with split pane below

Shift ⇧ Cursor left one word (Send ESC SEQ + b)
Shift ⇧ Cursor right one word (Send ESC SEQ + f)
Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ Cursor to beginning of line (Send ESC SEQ + OH)
Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ Cursor to end of line (Send ESC SEQ + OF)

Shift ⇧ Delete ⌫ Delete one word (Send Hex Code 0x17)
Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ Delete ⌫ Delete line (Send Hex Code 0x15)