Final Group Project for Java
INSA Lyon | 13 Nov 2022
- Àlex Esteban Rodríguez
- Jina Kim
- Go to
- Compile with
javac *.java
to generate the file CandyDrop.class - Execute the file with
java CandyDrop
- At first, press s to start a game.
- You can press q to quit whenever you want(even in the moment you are playing the game).
- Avoid rocks (gray items) and collect chocolates (brown items) and lemon candies (yellow items).
- Chocolates give 10 scores and lemon candies give extra life within maximum 3 lives.
- Rocks will get rid of one life, and the game will be over if you don't have any life.
- The maximum lives are 3, and you start with 3.
- When the game is over, you can restart it by pressing r, or exit the game by pressing q.