
Primary LanguageJava

Candy Drop

Final Group Project for Java


INSA Lyon | 13 Nov 2022


  • Àlex Esteban Rodríguez
  • Jina Kim


  1. Go to CandyDrop/src
  2. Compile with javac *.java to generate the file CandyDrop.class
  3. Execute the file with java CandyDrop

Instructions for the game

  1. At first, press s to start a game.
  2. You can press q to quit whenever you want(even in the moment you are playing the game).
  3. Avoid rocks (gray items) and collect chocolates (brown items) and lemon candies (yellow items).
  4. Chocolates give 10 scores and lemon candies give extra life within maximum 3 lives.
  5. Rocks will get rid of one life, and the game will be over if you don't have any life.
  6. The maximum lives are 3, and you start with 3.
  7. When the game is over, you can restart it by pressing r, or exit the game by pressing q.