
Yeoman with the angular-generator for scaffolding - used these features: local dev server with Livereload (binds to port 9000), bower for client-side package management, jshint, the Grunt grunt-contrib-watch and grunt-contrib-coffee tasks for continuous deployment to local server.

Installed Testem (test runner) - runs as Grunt task, Jasmine as a testing framework. Worked mostly in a TDD fashion.


You need to run this on a machine that has Node installed. I've used v0.10.24 when developing, and tested only in Chrome.

npm install
bower install

To run the unit tests: grunt testem. It sometimes has glitches - if 0 tests are loaded press return and you should see 12 tests loaded.

To run the server and see the widget: grunt serve & and point your browser to http://localhost:9000.

Design choices

Opted for Angular as MVC. CoffeeScript for the tests. SASS + Compass for CSS (see app/styles/main.scss).

The stock quotes service from Yahoo seemed the best choice for a quick start. However it is unreliable at times and may return an empty price. The suggested MarkitOnDemand service did not have the CORS headers set.

localStorage is used for persistence.

The aim was to decouple the parts of the system, "the Angular way". Two directives were created: stocksWidget and stocksTable (because it's layout that repeats in both panels - search and portfolio. The stocksTable has an isolated scope, and gets the aspect and behavior of the action icon as parameters.

The portfolio service is responsible for data persistence, and the stocks service will query the Yahoo service (forming a YQL query URL). The format for the query URL is separated into an angular constant STOCKS_QYL_URL_LOOKUP_URL, and so is the interval to poll the service STOCK_POLL_INTERVAL.

These services are mocked in tests when they are not the SUT.

Quick reference: please see /test/spec/ for the unit tests. JS code is in /app/scripts.
