
My External IP address

Primary LanguageGo

My External Address

It shows external IP address either v4 or v6. You can check http://4.ltecode.com or http://6.ltecode.com Additionally it adds new header in the response X-ADDR with value of the IP.

Install the service

Clone the repository

cd myaddr
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags='-w -s' -o myaddrsrv
mkdir -p /opt/myaddr
mv myaddrsrv /opt/myaddr/
chmod +x /opt/myaddr/myaddrsrv
cp myaddr.service /opt/myaddr/

ln -s /opt/myaddr/myaddr.service  /etc/systemd/system/myaddr.service 
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable myaddr.service
systemctl is-enabled myaddr.service
systemctl start myaddr.service
systemctl status myaddr.service


In the service file there is Environment="HTTP_PORT=80" it defines the port to listen incoming request.

or to run it without systemctl

export HTTP_PORT=80


In the client folder you can find he.py script which will help you update IPv4 tunnel broker endpoint. You have to point your login, update key and tunnel id you can take them from the https://www.tunnelbroker.net site on the Advanced tab.

You can use the client on the remote side where the IPv4 is dynamic.

Installation of client

cp client/he.py /opt/myaddr/he.py
cp client/he.service /opt/myaddr/he.service
ln -s /opt/myaddr/he.service  /etc/systemd/system/he.service 
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable he.service
systemctl is-enabled he.service
systemctl start he.service
systemctl status he.service