Extension Configuration Starter

Example Field and Page Interactions


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install once
  3. Update repository property in extension.json and name property in package.json
  4. Copy environment.template.json and rename to environment.prod.json or environment.staging.json
  5. Populate your environment files
    • You can add arbitrary application parameters to these files, which will be injected into all extracted interactions
      • e.g. "admin.usertype.id": "12,13,14" will replace any occurences of ${admin.usertype.id} with 12,13,14
      • Because of string interpolation in ES6, be sure to only use single quotes when injecting variables...', not `
    • By default there is one environment file for prod and one for staging, with corresponding npm jobs
      • The deploy job uses environment.prod.json, deploy:staging uses environment.staging.json
      • More environments can be added by adding new environment files and new npm jobs in package.json. Copy an existing npm job and change the final parameter to the name of your environment
      • e.g. making a job
          "deploy:qa": "node bin/build-and-upload.js qa"
        will expect a file environment.qa.json to exist in the environments folder
    • Configure your users that will be used to deploy your interactions
      • you can provide an array of users
        • each user object should have a username, password, and privateLabelId parameter
        • Running the corresponding job deploys all Field and Page Interactions to every users' Private Label in the file
        • In order to handle uniqueness within the Bullhorn database, the script will
          • Only deploy Page Interactions for the first user in the array
          • Change the name of the extension being deployed to include the privateLabelId
          • e.g. this file will deploy all interactions for both Private Labels 22 and 33. If the extension.json name parameter has a value of myclient-interactions, Private Label 22 will get an extension with name myclient-22-interactions, etc.
                "users": [
                    "username": "my.username.1",
                    "password": "myPassword123",
                    "privateLabelId": "22"
                    "username": "my.username.2",
                    "password": "myPassword123",
                    "privateLabelId": "33"