Bullhorn Resume Loader

Bullhorn Resume Loader is a command-line tool that allows you to load resumes and create candidate records in Bullhorn. This tool parses resumes from a specified folder and uploads the parsed data to Bullhorn, creating candidate records.


This tool is currently in the testing phase. Use it at your own risk. Please provide any feedback or PRs.

This command will:

  1. Log in to the Bullhorn API using the provided username and password.
  2. Read all files in the specified resumeFolder.
  3. Parse each resume file and create a candidate record in Bullhorn.
  4. Move processed resume files to a processed folder.

Supported File Types

The tool supports the following resume file types:

  • .txt
  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .pdf


npx bullhorn-resume-loader load


  • Processed resume files are moved to a processed subfolder within the resumeFolder.
  • Skipped resume files are left in the resumeFolder.


  • Add better logging
  • Add tests


This project is licensed under the MIT License.