
MVP to create the next generation for DevPost platform.

Primary LanguageRuby


MVP to create the next generation of DevPost platform.

Project dependecies and versions

  • Ruby version: 3.0.2
  • Rails version: 6.1.4
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Node version: 14.18.0

Setup locally

First make sure you have Ruby installed in your system. You can follow the instructions here depending on your OS. It is recommended to use Ruby 3.0.2 and newer version.

  • Install project's gem running bundle install
  • Setup DB running bundle exec rails db:setup
  • Install JS dependencies
    • Install yarn (dependencies manager) npm install --global yarn
    • Install JS dependencies yarn install


Run this command on the terminal in the root folder of the application:

$ rails s

Then, visit: http://localhost:3000/

At this point you will be able to see the application in your browser. 🎉🎉🎉


  • We should handle Subscriptions as a separate table so that we can join it with Users.
  • We may consider to show Subscription to user since the Signup form (set the is_free user column to true).
  • We should implement something like Pundint or CanCanCan to handle user permissions.
  • Once we have the JS behavior to add remove prizes dynamically when creating Competitions, we should refactor the logic in new action of CompetitionsController.
  • Maybe, we can use something like ActiveRecord's counter caches approach for performace at high scale for Competitions to show the total of Prizes value.
  • Maybe, we should validate uniqueness of Competition's and Prizes' name.