
Example, contains simple implementation of semantically relevan inhabit interactive module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Marvel heroes

Example, contains simple implementation of semantically relevant inhabit interactive module

###Use case We want to display information about marvel hero, his name, thumbnail and bio if this hero mentioned in the article

###Requirements For this demo you will need to achieve developer key for the marvel api. It is free and easy to do just for go to the developer.marvel.com and register your account After you will register go to your marvels developer account and grab your public key. Add "loclhost" to you authorized referrers as well, so marvel will not block you loclhost calls

Insert your public key to the MarvelAPI

var MarvelAPI = function ($) {
    this.$ = $;
    this.apiKey = "{{YOUR_MARVEL_APIKEY}}";
    this.charactersRestUrl = "https://gateway.marvel.com:443/v1/public/characters";

###Now we can start

//install packages
npm install

//start server
npm start

As result you should be able to see something like this: Marvel heroes example