
Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

Primary LanguageTeX

ECE 260: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

Introduction to continuous-time signals and systems.


  1. Signals and systems:
    • basic definitions/concepts
    • review of complex analysis
    • signal properties
    • system properties
    • basic signal transformations
    • elementary signals
    • signal representations using elementary signals
  2. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems:
    • convolution
    • properties of convolution
    • representation of signals using impulses
    • impulse response and convolution representation of LTI systems
    • properties of LTI systems
    • response of LTI systems to complex exponential signals
  3. Fourier series:
    • Fourier series definition
    • finding Fourier series representations of signals
    • convergence of Fourier series
    • properties of Fourier series
    • Fourier series and frequency spectra
    • Fourier series and LTI systems
  4. Fourier transform:
    • Fourier transform definition
    • convergence of Fourier transform
    • Fourier transform properties
    • Fourier transform of periodic signals
    • frequency spectra of signals
    • frequency response of LTI systems
    • applications
  5. Laplace transform:
    • Laplace transform definition
    • relationship between Laplace transform and Fourier transform
    • region of convergence
    • finding the inverse Laplace transform
    • properties of the Laplace transform
    • analysis of systems using the Laplace transform
    • solving differential equations using the unilateral Laplace transform

Learning Outcomes

  • Define various properties of systems (such as linearity, time invariance, causality, memory, invertibility, and BIBO stability) and determine if a system has each of these properties;
  • Identify basic properties of convolution and compute the convolution of functions;
  • Explain the significance of convolution in the context of LTI systems;
  • State the basic properties of the Fourier and Laplace transforms and use these properties in problem solving;
  • Compute forward/inverse Fourier and Laplace transforms of functions and find Fourier series representations of periodic functions;
  • Use the Fourier transform and/or Laplace transform to design and analyze simple systems (e.g., filtering/equalization systems, amplitude modulation systems, and feedback control systems);
  • Use the Laplace transform to solve differential equations;
  • Demonstrate competency in working with both time- and frequency-domain representations of signals and systems;
  • Explain the relationships amongst the various representations of LTI systems (e.g., differential equation, frequency response, transfer function, impulse response);
  • Identify basic types of frequency-selective filters (i.e., lowpass, highpass, and bandpass);
  • Explain the fundamentals of sampling and the implications of the sampling theorem; and
  • Use MATLAB effectively for problem solving.