
Chrome Native Messaging implementation for .NET and .NET Core

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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Chrome Native Messaging implementation for .NET and .NET Core. Allows easy communication with a Chrome extension using Chrome Native Messaging protocol.


Get it on NuGet: PM> Install-Package Lyre


var host = new NativeMessagingHost();

    while (true)
        var response = await host.Read<dynamic>();

        // Echo response
        await host.Write(new { value = $"You said {response.value} at {response.dateTime}", dateTime = DateTime.Now });
catch (EndOfStreamException)
    // Disconnected

Example/Chrome Extension

See https://github.com/alexwiese/Lyre/tree/master/src/Lyre.ConsoleTest for an example of a Chrome extension communicating with a Native Messaging Host.


The NativeMessagingHost uses JSON.NET for serialization. This can be customized by passing in a JsonSerializerSettings object. The Encoding and Stream objects used for communications can also be passed into the constructor.

var host = new NativeMessagingHost(Console.OpenStandardInput(), Console.OpenStandardOutput(), Encoding.UTF8, new JsonSerializerSettings{ Formatting = Formatting.None});

Supressing Console Output

By default Chrome Native Messaging uses stdin and stdout to communicate. If any other code writes to the Console, for example by calling Console.WriteLine(string), then this would cause the Chrome Native Messaging pipe to fail due to unexpected output. Helper methods are provided by the NativeMessagingEnvironment class to supress or redirect the Console output.

Supress console output

// Redirects any calls to Console.Write() or Console.WriteLine() to TextWriter.Null

Redirect to stderr

// This will redirect calls to Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine() to stderr

Redirect to Debug output

// Redirects any calls to Console.Write() or Console.WriteLine() to the Debug output

Redirect to a TextWriter

// This will redirect calls to Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine() to a file
var writer = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite("console.out")) { AutoFlush = true };


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