
Symfony Bundle to handle HMAC authentication and Parameter validation

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony HMAC and Validation Bundle

Symfony Bundle to handle HMAC authentication and Parameter validation


There are several optional parameters which can be added into the config.yml, these are:

    # Set to either depending on if you want hmac authentication turned on or not
    hmac: true|false
    # Add in additional roles as required
    hmac_roles: ["USER", "ADMIN"]
    # Add a path to a directory which stores your json validation schemas
    json_schema_route: /path/to/your/schema/dir 

Running unit tests

  1. Make sure the bundle is configured in your AppKernel.php
  2. Ensure that the app/console doctrine:schema:create has been run and is up to date.
  3. Add the following into your app/config.yml
        class: AW\HmacBundle\Listeners\ExceptionListener
        arguments: [@kernel]
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.exception, method: onKernelException }
  1. Ensure the route /hmac is pointing at the Bundle in your routing config, i.e:
    resource: "@AWHmacBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /hmac

If installed with composer as a symfony dependancy

From within the symfony route: phpunit -c app/ vendor/AW/hmac-and-validation-bundle/AW/HmacBundle/Tests

If cloned directly into a symfony install

phpunit -c app/ AW/HmacBundle/