
Python class to allow programmers to create easily your own net sweeper scripts.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Python class to allow programmers to easily create your own net sweeper scripts. The examples provided already are net sweepers that can be used and improved.

Requires Ping3 https://github.com/kyan001/ping3 (Downloaded automatically)
Tested under Linux and Windows


pip3 install netsweeper  # install netsweeper


No Interaction Mode

from netsweeper import NetSweeper
scan = NetSweeper('', 100, 1)

The scan results are stored in the 'results' property as a dictionary. The 'results' property is read only and have the following structure:

Key: IP Address in integer format (Interger format is easier to sort IP addresses than string)
Value: Tuple of four values:
  (str:ip address,
  boolean: Host up=True Host down=False,
  float: ping delay time # return the value of ping_timeout argument when the ping timeout,
  str: The IP address hostname)

Verbose Mode

from netsweeper import NetSweeper
scan = NetSweeper('', 100, 1)

The results are printed in the Python console:

Scanning the network:   True      4ms	router  True      4ms	WindowsLaptop1  True    341ms	Cellphone  True    210ms	WindowsLaptop1 True     10ms	Printer

Elapsed time: 6.83 seconds
Found 5 hosts up in the network


run() : Execute the scan and store the results in the 'results' property
verbose_run() : Execute the scan printing the results in Python console.
              : The results are also stored in the 'results' property.
print_results() : Print in Python console the last scan results.


dest_ips (READ/WRITE)
    str: define network, IP range or IP address address to be scanned. File names are supported as well.
num_threads (READ/WRITE)
    int: define number of ping threads
timeout (READ/WRITE)
    int: define delay time until timeout
results (READ ONLY)
    dictionary: store network scan results
        Key: int IP Address (Interger is easier to sort IP addresses than string)
        Value: Turple of four values:
            (str:ip address,
             boolean: Host up=True Host down=False,
             float: ping delay time (return the value of ping_timeout argument when the ping timeout,
             str: The IP address hostname)

Optional parameters can be set to change the scan behavior:

return_down_hosts (READ/WRITE)
    boolean: define if return or not the not found hosts. Default = False
return_unit (READ/WRITE)
    str: define the return unit for reply time (s) secs or (ms) mili secs
src_addr (READ/WRITE)
    str: define ping source address
packet_ttl (READ/WRITE)
    int: define icmp packet time to live
icmp_seq (READ/WRITE)
    int: define icmp packet sequence
payload_size (READ/WRITE)
    int: define icmp packet payload size
retrycount (READ/WRITE)
    int: define the number of tries to send before timeout
filename: (READ/WRITE)
    str: define the file name with IP address list
scanports = (0, 0)
    list/tuple/str: define the ports to be scanned. See example_tcp_half_open.py
scan_down_host_ports = False
    boolean: define if port scan will run for host that not answered the ping request.
max_ports_scan_threads = 10
    interger: define the number of ports that will be scanned simultaneously per host.



This example show the simpler way to use netsweeper to scan a network. Only three parameters are passed 
and the results are printed in the Python console.


This example show the optional parameters for ping and icmp packet.


This is more complex example. It show how to run netsweeper with no interaction and how to interact with 
scan results stored in the property 'results'.


This example show the usage of TCP Half Open port scan functionality.

What's next? (before v1.0)

1. IP ranges scan (done v0.3.0)
2. IP address scan (done v0.3.0)
3. Use txt files as source for destination IP addresses (done v0.4.0)
4. Port Scan:
    4.1. TCP Half Open (done v0.5.0)
    4.2. UDP Port Scan
    4.3. Banner Grabber
5. Save the results to text files