EPICMAIL is an online system which enables you to exchange messages/information over the internet
You will need the following software running on your machine to get started
Python 3.6 - ( download python )
pip (download pip)
Flask (Python framework) -
Pytest (Python testing framework)
Pylint (Bug and quality checker for the Python programming language)
These are the steps on how to get the application running on your machine
In your terminal, cd to where you want to create your repository
Clone the project repo
$ git clone https://github.com/alexxsanya/EPIC-MAIL-API.git
- Install a virtual environment via pip
$ pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
$ EPIC-MAIL-API/venv/scripts/activate
- Install project dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app locally with the command
$ python app.py
- Run this command in the project directory.
pytest --cov=api
All APIs are prefixed with /api/v1
POST | /auth/signup | Create User Account |
POST | /auth/login | Login user |
POST | /messages | Creates a Message |
GET | /messages | Get all received messages |
GET | /messages/unread | Get all unread messages |
GET | /messages/sent | Get all sent messages |
GET | /messages/ | Get specific message |
DELETE | /messages/ | Delete message |
"status" : 200,
"data" : { }
"status" : 404,
"error" : "relevant-error-message"
Response body:
"status" : "Integer",
"data" : [
"id" : "Integer",
"createdOn" : "DateTime",
"subject" : "String",
"message" : "String",
"senderId" : "Integer",
"receiverId" : "Integer",
"parentMessageId" : "Integer",
"status" : "String",
{ },
{ },
Response body:
"status" : "Integer",
"data" : [{
"id" : "Integer",
"createdOn" : "DateTime",
"subject" : "String",
"message" : "String",
"senderId" : "Integer",
"receiverId" : "Integer",
"parentMessageId" : "Integer",
"status" : "String",
Request body:
"status" : "Integer",
"data" : [{
"createdOn" : "DateTime",
"subject" : "String",
"message" : "String",
"parentMessageId" : "Integer",
"status" : "String",