Daily Reddit Notifier


The only dependency is Docker Compose.

To set up locally, you need a .env file in the root directory with the following format (docker image defaults provided):



Then to run the tests:

$ make build
$ make test

To keep a running service for manual testing:

$ make up

Corners cut

  • There is no running cron configuration to dispatch emails automatically. The API endpoint that triggers the functionality would be called from a production taskrunner, or equivalent agent (e.g. CI scheduler, instance-level cron scheduler, etc).
  • Scaling has not been taken into consideration. There are known performance bottlenecks.
  • Logging and monitoring has not been taken into account. To that end, error handling has been kept to a minimum.
  • There is no automated testing for the crawler and mailer services. Testing was done manually.
  • A sample email received by a user will be provided.
  • Reddit post summaries will not have a cover image if no image exists in the original Reddit post. A placeholder image has been added to signal that there was no preview.
  • An example of a config file has been given to demonstrate how the service would be deployed.
  • No docblock-style comments. Naming and function decomposition have been used with readability in mind.
  • Configuration with environment variables was done to the extent that it was deemed necessary. In production, it would be a lot more polished.