AlexZam Home Information System (or should be)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ok, you found it. "HIS" actually means "Home Information System" It's kind of beta so download and try if you want, but I don't intend to provide a beautiful project. For now. So. How to install this piece of soft.


If you know what it means: clone then "mvn package" then install to your Tomcat and setup DB connection with context.xml in META-INF.

If you don't... Hmm... Ok, well, you have to do this:

  • Download and install MySQL Community Server.
  • Find in your Programs menu "MySQL Command Line Client" and start it.
  • Enter root password, you should have remembered it during installation.
  • When you see prompt mysql> enter this (press enter after each line):
CREATE USER his@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'his';
GRANT ALL ON his.* TO his@localhost;
  • Ok, that's enough, close the window.
  • Download project package. Latest version is in Release section. Choose standalone ZIP or tar.gz.
  • Unpack it to where you want it to be unpacked. Do I really need to write this?..
  • Don't run it yet! If you for some reason created DB name or user other than "his", then go and tell application about that. Use file webapp/META-INF/context.xml
  • Final step! Open webapp/WEB-INF/classes/import.sql and in first 2 lines change usernames to whatever you want. also you may add more lines like this.
  • Ok, now you are allowed to run it. Just run bin/his.bat and behold huge messy output. If the 3rd line from bottom is "Servlet 'his' configured successfully" then you're ok.
  • Open in browser this: http://localhost:8080/his. Enjoy it if you can.
  • Each time you find some bug please report it here.