
`Debug` in rust, but only supports valid rust syntax and outputs nicely formatted using pretty-please

Primary LanguageRust


crate docs

A Debug-like trait for rust that outputs properly formatted code


Take the following code:

let code = r#"
        "Hello, World! I am a long string",
        "Wait, you can't mix and match types in arrays, is this python?",
let expr: syn::Expr = syn::parse_str(code).unwrap();

This outputs

Array(ExprArray { attrs: [], bracket_token: Bracket, elems: [Lit(ExprLit { attrs: [], lit: Str(LitStr { token: "Hello, World! I am a long string" }) }), Comma, Lit(ExprLit { attrs: [], lit: Int(LitInt { token: 420 }) }), Comma, Lit(ExprLit { attrs: [], lit: Str(LitStr { token: "Wait, you can't mix and match types in arrays, is this python?" }) }), Comma, Lit(ExprLit { attrs: [], lit: Int(LitInt { token: 69 }) }), Comma, Lit(ExprLit { attrs: [], lit: Str(LitStr { token: "Nice." }) })] })

which is far too dense to read.

If we change the println to use the alternate printing (:#?), then we get

    ExprArray {
        attrs: [],
        bracket_token: Bracket,
        elems: [
                ExprLit {
                    attrs: [],
                    lit: Str(
                        LitStr {
                            token: "Hello, World! I am a long string",
                ExprLit {
                    attrs: [],
                    lit: Int(
                        LitInt {
                            token: 420,
                ExprLit {
                    attrs: [],
                    lit: Str(
                        LitStr {
                            token: "Wait, you can't mix and match types in arrays, is this python?",
                ExprLit {
                    attrs: [],
                    lit: Int(
                        LitInt {
                            token: 69,
                ExprLit {
                    attrs: [],
                    lit: Str(
                        LitStr {
                            token: "Nice.",

which is far too spread out to be natural.

This is where dbg_pls comes in. Replace the println with

println!("{}", dbg_pls::color(&expr));

And you get

Usage in libraries

cargo add dbg-pls

Add to your types


Usage for applications

cargo add dbg-pls +pretty

And print using pretty, eg

println!("{}", dbg_pls::pretty(&value));


  • derive - enables the #[derive(DebugPls)] derive
  • pretty - enables the pretty function for pretty printing
  • colors - enables the color function for syntax highlighted printing


use dbg_pls::{pretty, DebugPls};

#[derive(DebugPls, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Demo {
    foo: i32,
    bar: &'static str,

let mut val = [Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" }; 10];
val[6].bar = "Hello, world! I am a very long string";

println!("{}", pretty(&val));


    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo {
        foo: 5,
        bar: "Hello, world! I am a very long string",
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },
    Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" },

Example (highlighting)

use dbg_pls::{color, DebugPls};

#[derive(DebugPls, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Demo {
    foo: i32,
    bar: &'static str,

let mut val = [Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" }; 10];
val[6].bar = "Hello, world! I am a very long string";

println!("{}", color(&val));


Example (dbg-style macros)

use dbg_pls::{color, DebugPls};

#[derive(DebugPls, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Demo {
    foo: i32,
    bar: &'static str,

let foo = 5;
let bar = "Hello, World! This is the color macro";
let _ = color!(Demo { foo, bar });


use dbg_pls::{pretty, DebugPls};

#[derive(DebugPls, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Demo {
    foo: i32,
    bar: &'static str,

let foo = 5;
let bar = "hello";
let _ = pretty!(Demo { foo, bar });


[src/lib.rs:558] Demo { foo, bar } => Demo { foo: 5, bar: "hello" }