
GitHub Action Pipeline for version management of FHIR conformance resource using a FHIR package

MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub Action Pipeline for version management of FHIR conformance resource using a FHIR package, including:

  • create a FHIR package
  • commit the package itself to a Git repo for safekeeping
  • update the a FHIR package registry feed

The current pipeline allows to manage a FHIR package feed fully in GitHub, no external hosting needed.

  1. Develop your FHIR conformance resources on GitHub. Execution of FHIR Shorthand and validation of generated artefacts can be achieved using Firely Terminal Pipeline.
  2. The created package needs to be publicly accessible to be indexed by the FHIR Package Registry. The package generated by this pipeline can therefore be commited to a public Git repo.
  3. The FHIR package feed will be updated automatically based on the information provided by the package.json of the generated package.


You can specify the following options using the "with" syntax in your GitHub Actions yml configuration:

    description: 'Simplifier email address (not username), needed for running Quality Control checks. Please use GitHub Secrets for this variable.'
    required: true
    description: 'Simplifier password, needed for running Quality Control checks. Please use GitHub Secrets for this variable.'
    required: true
    description: 'Relative path to the package feed repository, repository will be used to extract the package feed and store the FHIR package itself'
    required: true
    description: 'Relative path to folder with conformance resources incl. package.json'
    required: true
    description: 'Base url incl. subpath of the FHIR package feed'
    required: true
    description: 'Filename of the FHIR package feed which shall be updated'
    required: true
    description: 'Path to parent folder in which all packages are to be stored in Git'
    required: true