Compose Multiplatform UI components for iOS (Cupertino Widgets)
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How to run Android example?
#79 opened by mixtly87 - 5
WASM Target break in 1.7.1
#76 opened by JagadishaIncture - 0
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Is this repository still active?
#75 opened by Tscheppe - 0
[CupertinoAlertDialog] Using Dialog instead of Popup for a better AlertDialog
#78 opened by oOJohn6Oo - 3
CupertinoTheme is broken
#73 opened by schott12521 - 4
CupertinoSwipeBox is broken
#72 opened by schott12521 - 2
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Incompatible with compose multiplatform 1.7
#55 opened by ZacSweers - 2
iOS Compatibility Issues: Errors with AdaptiveButton, AdaptiveNavigationBarItem, and AdaptiveSwitch on compose-multiplatform 1.7.0
#71 opened by alxmtzr - 0
Support for Material 2?
#66 opened by Robotxm - 0
#65 opened by JihedLablak - 2
Unable to see Cupertino components on iOS
#62 opened by schott12521 - 2
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Unable to disable AdaptiveSwitch on IOS target
#58 opened by y19th - 0
TimePickerState am/pm has error
#57 opened by ienground - 1
Example project doesn't compile for iOS
#56 opened by SebastianAigner - 2
Navigation title animation problems
#37 opened by martin-reiterer - 2
Keyboard Doesn't Open for CupertinoSearchTextField in CupertinoActionSheet or CupertinoAlertDialog
#54 opened by Micoder-dev - 1
Unable to open CupertinoSwipeBox in LazyList
#53 opened by kalist28 - 4
Roll out release for Kotlin 2.0.0
#52 opened by blakelee - 3
Bottom sheet without scaffold pattern
#51 opened by nilufer32 - 6
- 0
Nested Scaffold Bottom Bar is always visible
#50 opened by nilufer32 - 3
Modal sheet always expands up to the large detent even if no such detent was set for the presentation style
#47 opened by nilufer32 - 1
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is the cupertino-decompose library only useful if client kmp project uses decompose?
#43 opened by BitByAVampire - 2
Small question. Why picker rotation was changed to false? Seems like it looked beautifully on android
#44 opened by Plovotok - 2
Unexpected bottom sheet behaviour with IME
#39 opened by Plovotok - 1
Min API 24
#22 opened by jacobras - 3
NavigationBarItemColors values are unspecified.
#28 opened by begali - 1
Add support for compose plugin version 1.6.0
#30 opened by begali - 2
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AdaptiveScaffold background inconsistency
#36 opened by overpas - 0
UseCase: CupertinoDatePickerNative cannot set the Year/Month mode; only the Year/Month/Day mode is available.
#33 opened by chen-lihan - 5
No indication effect
#32 opened by farr311 - 6
Bottom sheet WindowInsets
#31 opened by farr311 - 1
Cupertino style radio button (single-selection)
#26 opened by phansier - 1
Add support of adaptive Navigation Drawer
#25 opened by kdroidFilter - 2
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CupertinoDatePicker: Available dates validator
#21 opened by Lavmee - 7
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