
Leap Motion Jam Entry Instructions & Issue Tracking



Happy Little Painter is Leap Motion Painter application prototype, submitted for the Leap Motion Jam 2015 competition. Leap Motion Controller is required!


Leap Motion Settings

  • Tool Tracking *This must be enabled from Leap Motion Control Panel to use brush in game!
  • Hand Tracking *Optional (hands are not affecting anything in game)

Online Gallery


  • Start the program *Use full screen & 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio resolution
  • After the title text fades out, you can start painting
  • Use pencil, chopstick or other leap detected tool to use brush
  • Move brush to color palette to mix current color
  • Move brush to "New Image" button on top right to clear painting
  • ESC = Close app
  • Note: Put sounds on the speakers, game has couple sound effects


  • V1.1 : Online Gallery, Couple bug fixes (See closed issues)


  • Can I use multiple brushes (tools)? : Not supported in this version (it works, but will have issues on the drawing)
  • I have a feature request / bug report.. : Feel free to post them as issues in this repository
  • Does this work with Mac or Linux? : Both builds are included, but I have not tested them..
  • What colors are on the palette? : Sap Green, Midnight Black, Alizarin Crimson, Dark Sienna, Yellow Ogre, Phthalo Blue, Van Dyke Brown, Titanium White

Future Plans

  • Optional: Use hand tracking instead of tool tracking (and brush is in the hand)
  • Add different brushes & painting knives
  • Add wet canvas simulation (mixing colors)
  • Add brush pressure force (less force = less paint applier)
  • Add more colors to palette
  • Add proper color mixing in palette
  • Oculus VR version
  • Optional: Lock palette into left hand
  • Add support for multiple simultaneous brushes
  • Optional: Display color names on selection
  • Saving images or submitting to online gallery (in v1.1)
