
Simplest possible failover approach which purely runs on the Standby Producer Instance.


There is no warranty for the function of this script. Use it at your own risk. Validate proper function.

How it works?

The Standby Producer Node pings the Master Producer Node every Minute. If the PING is not successful for several times the Standby is activating itself. As soon as another PING is successful the Standby turns inactive again (also with some wait interval to give the master time to be synced again).

Note: Ping is executed through CNCLI Ping

Making active and passive is done through FW rules in this approach. The idea is that both Nodes run at any time. The standby is just blocked from propagating Blocks if the Master is working properly.

Known Limitations

CNCLI Ping is not validating if the node is in sync, just if it is able to communicate. This means: If the Master Producer comes back online, the Standby Producer will move to standby while the Master Producer still might be syncing This is only a problem if the Master Producer is down for a longer time period. To compensate this issue the Standby stays active for 10 Intervals even if the master is OK again.


  1. Preconditions - Standby Producer needs to be able to PING Master Producer
# Run CNCLI Ping on the Standby Producer and Ping the master
cncli ping --host YOUR-HOST-IP --port YOUR-HOST-PORT
  1. On the Standby Producer create a folder which will contain the script
mkdir -p /opt/cardano/cnode/custom/simple-failover
cd /opt/cardano/cnode/custom/simple-failover
  1. Download the files and make them executeable

chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
  1. Customize the variables in
sudo nano

#Customize the Variables on top of the file


  1. Customize the makeActive and makeStandby Scripts to reflect your Setup
#Customize makeActive to your needs

#Customize makeStandby to your needs
  1. Validate function of makeActive and makeStandby
sudo ./
#check if the IN connections of the Standby Producer Node are going away in gLiveView

sudo ./
#check if the IN connections of the Standby Producer Node are going away in gLiveView
  1. Create a Service which calls the script every minute
cd /etc/systemd/system
sudo wget
sudo wget

If you customized the paths you need to change them in failover-cardano.service as well Then enable the Service

sudo systemctl enable simple-cardano-failover.service
sudo systemctl start simple-cardano-failover.service

sudo systemctl enable simple-cardano-failover.timer
sudo systemctl start simple-cardano-failover.timer

Check if the service is ACTIVE

sudo systemctl status simple-cardano-failover.service

Note: Initially the Script defines an unknown status. It will take 3 Failures until the Script will turn the Standby Producer active or 10 OKs until turning the Standby Producer standby.

  1. Final check Check incoming connections on your failover node through:
cat failure.status
cat failure.count
netstat -antpe | grep cardano-node

When the server is active there should not be any IN connections from your relays. When the server is standby there should be IN connections from your relays.

  1. Debugging To see what happens you can take a look on the Logs of crontab
sudo journalctl -u simple-cardano-failover -b

Rolling Update Approach

If you plan to upgrade you Nodes and therefore need to stop/restart your nodes you need to consider stopping the failover service and control the status manually during your upgrade. This way you can achieve a rolling update without downtime.

  1. Disable the failover service on STANDBY (STANDBY will remain standby from now on)
sudo systemctl stop simple-cardano-failover.service
sudo systemctl disable simple-cardano-failover.service

sudo systemctl stop simple-cardano-failover.timer
sudo systemctl disable simple-cardano-failover.timer
  1. Update STANDBY
  2. Wait until STANDBY is fully synced
  3. Call the makeActive Script manually on STANDBY (STANDBY active now)
  1. Stop Master It's important to stop the master immediately after the standby was triggered to be active. Instead both nodes would be active.

  2. Update MASTER Wait until MASTER is fully synced

  3. Call the makeStandby Script manually to make the STANDBY (STANDBY is standby again)

  1. Enable the failover service on STANDBY
sudo systemctl enable simple-cardano-failover.service
sudo systemctl start simple-cardano-failover.service

sudo systemctl enable simple-cardano-failover.timer
sudo systemctl start simple-cardano-failover.timer