
This is eleventy starter.

It uses sass, nunjucks, rollup.

It also has i18n support.

DEMO on github pages


You can init repo with this template.

How to create project from a template

Or just clone this repo, remove .git directory and init with your own git repo.

File stucture

src/en - put your pages here. For other language create directory named {lang}.json for example and add {lang}.json file.

    "locale": "lang"

src/posts/en - your posts

src/_includes/pages - pages layouts. Create your pages here and export them in src/en directory files.

src/_inlcudes/layouts - layouts.

  • base.njk - main layout with head, header, main, footer sections.
  • post.njk - layout for post using base layout.
  • about.njk - layout for about page. With markdown content.
  • home.njk - layout for all other pages.

src/assets - your css and js


  • components - sass components. c prefix.

  • layouts - grid, flexbox layouts. l prefix.

  • pages - styles for pages. p prefix.

  • utilties - utility styles like u-mr--8 (margin-right: 0.5rem). u prefix.

  • base.scss - base html elements styles.

  • functions.scss - sass functions.

  • mixins.scss - sass mixins.

  • prism.scss - prism tomorrow night colorscheme

  • reset.scss - reset

  • settings.scss - css variables.

  • variables.scss - sass variables.

src/assets/js - example index.js file. You can remove it, if you don't need js. Don't forget to remove rollup, rollup-plugin-terser and @rollup/plugin-node-resolve dependencies. Also remove <script> tag from _includes/layouts/base.njk

static - static files are copied directly to /_site.

_data - data files with translations for each page, metadata and other stuff.


Github pages

Edit build:eleventy:pathPrefix in package.json.

change path prefix option --pathprefix=your-repo-name


domainname.com {
    root * ~/_site # or whatever site directory

    handle_errors {
        rewrite * /{http.error.status_code}.html

    log {
        output file /var/log/caddy/caddy.log