Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Super Resolution in Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC - Iteration 2

For iteration 1 refer Edge Inference of Image Super Resolution Deep Learning Models


  • Vitis 2020.2 (includes Vivado and Vivado HLS)
  • Vitis AI v1.3
  • Petalinux 2020.2
  • Docker


  • Development Environment with RAM: 32GB Disk Space: 500GB or higher
  • Nvidia GPU with compute capability > 6.0 with sufficient memory (>4GB) - GeForce 1050 Ti is used in this case
  • HD and UHD Monitors ( Acer KA220HQ is used) and BARCO ( for displaying results)
  • Zynq Ultrascale board ( ZCU102 is used)
  • Ethernet Cables for connectivity between systems (can be used to display on host system if there is no monitor available)


  • Knowledge on FPGA and Integrating IPs in Vivado
  • Knowledge on Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
  • Linux Operating system - Petalinux/Yocto
  • Experience in building Deep learning models
  • Programming Languages: Cpp - 17 and Python - 3.8+
  • Frameworks/libraries: Opencv,Numpy,Tensorflow and Pytorch

This documentation describes the state of the repo and is divided into four sections

  1. Training
  2. Quantization
  3. Hardware Development
  4. Application Development

For How-To's and project flows and other features follow Vitis AI User Documentation and Vitis-AI Github




What's done

  • Version v1.4
  • Trained in house to achievce PSNR: 28.33 and SSIM: 0.9296 wandb

File Description

  • SRHW.ipynb - Training Code
  • pytorchtools.py - Used for Early stopping. Credits: Bjarte


  • Reduce the number of model layer and use strategies like knowledge distillation /GAN based methods to imporve accuracy
  • Split Images into patches and Super Resolve Patches, use multithreading to make processes parallel at software level. This imporves latency



What's done

  • Version 1.15
  • Trained In-house and achieved PSNR:26.476 and SSIM:0.8882. wandb
  • Trained as an alternative for Pytorch in Vitis-AI version 1.2 since pytorch compilation did not support DPU for Edge

File Description

  • SRHW_Tensorflow.ipynb - Training code

What's missing in this repo and how to get it

  • local wandb files with best model. Access model (tf_ckpt/model_best.h5) and wandb from above link


  • Will be deprecated for future releases and hence becomes stale



Model Checkpoints


  • Note: Checkpoint1_1.pt is Pytorch v1.1 version of checkpoint.pt - used in Vitis AI v1.2


What's missing in this repo and how to get it



What's done

  • Vitis-AI version v1.3
  • Developed a quantization script which is backward compatible with v1.2
  • xir based Quanitization and Compilation which supports only VART API

File description

  • torch_quantize.py - quantizer script
  • models.py - module containing models for Quantizer
  • datasets.py - module containing dataset loader for use in Quantizer script
  • quantize_result- output files of torch_quantize.py
  • compilation_result - output


  • Works only for SRHW now ; need to update to support any model and any input/output resolution of interest
  • use Vitis-AI optimiser to reduce latency



What's done

  • Vitis-AI version v1.2
  • Used as an alterative for pytorch as pytorch compilation didnot support DPU for Edge in vitis-ai 1.2
  • used for models converted from torch and also models developed ground up in tensorflow
  • supports n2cube api only

File Description

  • keras2tf.py - converts keras (.h5) model to tf checkpoints
  • tf_calib.py - image loader function for quantizer
  • tf_freeze_graph.py - freezes tf ckpts and produces .pb model file
  • torch2tf.py - converts pytorch .pt model to tensorflow freezed graph - produced consistent model but could not be quantized due to Memory limitations
  • tf_ckpt- .h5 model
  • tf_freeze - tf_checkpoints - output of keras2tf and output of tf_freeze_graph.py
  • tf_quantization_result - outputs of quantization
  • tf_compilation output - outputs of compilation
  • conversion output - outputs of torch2tf.py


  • will be deprecated for fututre versions and hence becomes stale; also the metrics are poor compared to pytorch

Hardware Development

What's tried and what's done

  • Developed Hardware Platofrms using Vitis for HDMI and DP media pipeline
  • HDMI: used HDMI FRAMEBUFFER Design as the base, developed a Vitis Platform with it and integrated DPU with Custom Configuration. Visit here for more details . Status: Bringup Complete, Pipeline set - 10 min blankout due to x11 config
  • DP: Developed a Vitis Platform using Zynq MPSoC base platform and created custom image to support DRM. Status: Bringup Complete, Pipeline setup failed
  • Resorted to xilinx stock image for DPU Acceleration



  • To create HDMI media pipeline in 2020.2 version and Integrate DPU

Application Development



What's done

  • Supports models compiled using tensorflow 1.15 compiler
  • Appplcation reads an image, DPU processes it and saves it to the disk
  • Supports v1.3 N2CUBE API

File Description

  • srhw_dpu.cpp - application
  • srhw - binary
  • build.sh - compilation script


  • most likely to become stale as future versions tend to support vart api
  • can be used if version 2019.2 to 2020.2 is used
  • As it gives greater flexibility at hardware level - this api can be used to optimize the design
  • Video read and multi-DPU support



What's done

  • supports models compiled using xir - pytorch and tf2.0+
  • Appilcation uses multithreading to read, process and display video frames
  • backward compatible with vitis-ai 1.2 and will support future versions

File Description

  • srhw_vart.cpp - application
  • srhw_vart - binary
  • build_vart.sh - compilation script


  • As x11 donot offer flexibility, DRM pipeline needs to be created
  • Create a generalised application and convert application to library for imporving modularity so that other applications can invoke the feature
  • switching between pass thorugh and SR feature
  • coordinate dataflows with optimised data structures
  • improve code readability
  • modify build script to compile fiels given as parameters

Capture Applications


What's done

  • test applications to read and display video input

File Description

  • test.cpp - v4l2 capture applcation Credits: Ananth
  • test_naive.cpp -naive implemetation of video file capture and display
  • test_opencv.cpp - multithreaded implemetation of video file capture and display
  • build.sh - compilation script


  • Modify to read both images and video files



What's done

  • forked DRM display functions from xilinx

File Description

  • drmhdmi.hpp - drm display functions


  • invoke functions in applications for displaying via DRM Pipelines