
QA Automation case for eBay.com

Primary LanguagePython

🐍 Simple QA automate framework for eBay website

eBay logo

This project is an illustrative one and does not claim that the code is correct and optimal. The main purpose is to demonstrate my mastery of this or that technology.

This framework consists of 4 main parts:

  • Header navigation testing
  • Flyout main menu testing
  • Search results testing
  • Filter results testing

QA framework has been implemented using Selenium and Behave (BDD)

Preparing to run tests (Linux/Unix/Mac). Execute the following command in your terminal (you can copy and paste commands below). Depending on the distribution, some commands may require you to add "sudo" at the beginning of the command and enter an administrator password.

Use an installation file

  • Clone repository on your computer:
$ git clone https://github.com/alfatetan/qa_automation_sample_ebay.git && cd qa_automation_sample_ebay
  • Start installation file:
# If you use MacOS
$ source install_macos.sh

# If you use Ubuntu / Debian Linux
$ sudo source install_ubuntu.sh

# if you use CentOS / RedHat Linux
$ sudo source install_centos.sh

Or Install it Manually

Create a directory for this project e.g. in your home directory "/home//ebay_automation_tests"

$ mkdir ~/ebay_automation_tests && cd ~/ebay_automation_tests

Check if you have Python installed and which version you have:

$ which python3 && python3 --version

If you do not see the Python version (should be 3.x.x) and the message (python3 not found), install the python:

# for Linux Debian/Ubuntu family
$ sudo apt update && apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install python3.9.12
$ python3 --version

# for Linux CentOS/RedHat family
$ sudo yum update && apt upgrade
$ sudo yum install python3.9.12
$ python3 --version

# for Mac OS X
# install homebrew installer
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
# update and upgrade installer
$ brew update && brew upgrade
# install python 3
$ brew install python3.9.12

Install and launch the Python virtual environment

$ python -m venv ./venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate

Clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/alfatetan/qa_automation_sample_ebay.git

Install all needed requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch tests All tests scenarios contained in "features" folder.

# Go to the features folder
$ cd features

Then you have different options to launch the tests

# Start specific test set
# behave <test_set>.feature
# e.g. start test set "search"
$ behave search.feature

# To create a report you can use "tee" command
$ behave search.feature | tee ../reports/search_report.txt

# use all test sets
$ behave
# or (if you want to save all test results)
$ behave | tee ../reports/all_test_results.txt

Thank you for taking the time and attention to my work.