
PHP client for Stream

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


image Coverage Status PHP version

stream-php is the official PHP client for Stream, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams. The full documentation is available on GetStream.io/docs.


PHP 5.4 support

Current release branch 2.2 requires PHP 5.5 and Guzzle 6.

If you need to use the client with PHP 5.4 or Guzzle < 6, you can grab the latest version of the 2.1.x branch

Install with Composer

If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add Stream with it.

    "require": {
        "get-stream/stream": "$VERSION"

(replace $VERSION with one of the available versions on Packagist)

Composer will take care of the autoloading for you, so if you require the vendor/autoload.php, you're good to go.



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Instantiate a new client, find your API keys here https://getstream.io/dashboard/
$client = new GetStream\Stream\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');

// Set API endpoint location

// Instantiate a feed object
$user_feed_1 = $client->feed('user', '1');

// Get 20 activities starting from activity with id $last_id (fast id offset pagination)
$results = $user_feed_1->getActivities(0, 20, $last_id);

// Get 10 activities starting from the 5th (slow offset pagination)
$results = $user_feed_1->getActivities(5, 10);

// Create a new activity
$data = [
// Create a bit more complex activity
$now = new \DateTime("now", new \DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$data = ['actor' => 1, 'verb' => 'run', 'object' => 1, 'foreign_id' => 'run:1', 
	'course' => ['name'=> 'Golden Gate park', 'distance'=> 10],
	'participants' => ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'],
	'started_at' => $now

// Remove an activity by its id

// Remove activities by their foreign_id
$user_feed_1->removeActivity('post:42', true);

// Let user 1 start following user 42's flat feed
$user_feed_1->followFeed('flat', '42');

// Let user 1 stop following user 42's flat feed
$user_feed_1->unfollowFeed('flat', '42');

// Batch adding activities
$activities = array(
    array('actor' => '1', 'verb' => 'tweet', 'object' => '1'),
    array('actor' => '2', 'verb' => 'like', 'object' => '3')

// Add an activity and push it to other feeds too using the `to` field
$data = [
    "to"=>["user:44", "user:45"]

// Delete a feed (and its content)

// Generating tokens for client side usage
$token = $user_feed_1->getToken();

// Javascript client side feed initialization
// user1 = client.feed('user', '1', "$token");

// Generating read-only tokens for client side usage
$readonlyToken = $user_feed_1->getReadonlyToken();

// Javascript client side feed initialization (readonly)
// user1 = client.feed('user', '1', "$readonlyToken");

// Retrieve first 10 followers of a feed
$user_feed_1->followers(0, 10);

// Retrieve 2 to 10 followers
$user_feed_1->followers(2, 10);

// Retrieve 10 feeds followed by $user_feed_1
$user_feed_1->following(0, 10);

// Retrieve 10 feeds followed by $user_feed_1 starting from the 10th (2nd page)
$user_feed_1->following(10, 20);

// Check if $user_feed_1 follows specific feeds
$user_feed_1->following(0, 2, ['user:42', 'user:43']);

// Batch operations (batch activity add, batch follow)
$batcher = $client->batcher();

// Add one activity to many feeds
$activity = array('actor' => '1', 'verb' => 'tweet', 'object' => '1');
$feeds = ['flat:user1', 'flat:user2'];
$batcher->addToMany($activity, $feeds);

// Create many follow
$follows = [
    ['source' => 'flat:b1', 'target' => 'user:b1'],
    ['source' => 'flat:b1', 'target' => 'user:b3']


First, make sure you can run the test suite. Install development dependencies :

$ composer install

You may now use phpunit :

$ vendor/bin/phpunit