stream-php is the official PHP client for Stream, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams. The full documentation is available on
Current release branch 2.2 requires PHP 5.5 and Guzzle 6.
If you need to use the client with PHP 5.4 or Guzzle < 6, you can grab the latest version of the 2.1.x branch
If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add Stream with it.
"require": {
"get-stream/stream": "$VERSION"
(replace $VERSION
with one of the available versions on
Composer will take care of the autoloading for you, so if you require
the vendor/autoload.php
, you're good to go.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Instantiate a new client, find your API keys here
$client = new GetStream\Stream\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');
// Set API endpoint location
// Instantiate a feed object
$user_feed_1 = $client->feed('user', '1');
// Get 20 activities starting from activity with id $last_id (fast id offset pagination)
$results = $user_feed_1->getActivities(0, 20, $last_id);
// Get 10 activities starting from the 5th (slow offset pagination)
$results = $user_feed_1->getActivities(5, 10);
// Create a new activity
$data = [
// Create a bit more complex activity
$now = new \DateTime("now", new \DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$data = ['actor' => 1, 'verb' => 'run', 'object' => 1, 'foreign_id' => 'run:1',
'course' => ['name'=> 'Golden Gate park', 'distance'=> 10],
'participants' => ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'],
'started_at' => $now
// Remove an activity by its id
// Remove activities by their foreign_id
$user_feed_1->removeActivity('post:42', true);
// Let user 1 start following user 42's flat feed
$user_feed_1->followFeed('flat', '42');
// Let user 1 stop following user 42's flat feed
$user_feed_1->unfollowFeed('flat', '42');
// Batch adding activities
$activities = array(
array('actor' => '1', 'verb' => 'tweet', 'object' => '1'),
array('actor' => '2', 'verb' => 'like', 'object' => '3')
// Add an activity and push it to other feeds too using the `to` field
$data = [
"to"=>["user:44", "user:45"]
// Delete a feed (and its content)
// Generating tokens for client side usage
$token = $user_feed_1->getToken();
// Javascript client side feed initialization
// user1 = client.feed('user', '1', "$token");
// Generating read-only tokens for client side usage
$readonlyToken = $user_feed_1->getReadonlyToken();
// Javascript client side feed initialization (readonly)
// user1 = client.feed('user', '1', "$readonlyToken");
// Retrieve first 10 followers of a feed
$user_feed_1->followers(0, 10);
// Retrieve 2 to 10 followers
$user_feed_1->followers(2, 10);
// Retrieve 10 feeds followed by $user_feed_1
$user_feed_1->following(0, 10);
// Retrieve 10 feeds followed by $user_feed_1 starting from the 10th (2nd page)
$user_feed_1->following(10, 20);
// Check if $user_feed_1 follows specific feeds
$user_feed_1->following(0, 2, ['user:42', 'user:43']);
// Batch operations (batch activity add, batch follow)
$batcher = $client->batcher();
// Add one activity to many feeds
$activity = array('actor' => '1', 'verb' => 'tweet', 'object' => '1');
$feeds = ['flat:user1', 'flat:user2'];
$batcher->addToMany($activity, $feeds);
// Create many follow
$follows = [
['source' => 'flat:b1', 'target' => 'user:b1'],
['source' => 'flat:b1', 'target' => 'user:b3']
First, make sure you can run the test suite. Install development dependencies :
$ composer install
You may now use phpunit :
$ vendor/bin/phpunit