What is Weather-Viewer?
How to use it?
Tecgnologes uses in it.
Tools and IDEs uses.
Weather Viewer App is a forcasting Mobile Application based on kotlin language that is enabel you to featch weather and observe it with alot of future, and add as mutch as you want of places to your favourite to observe them.
you can know the current forcastion, daily and weekly, and you kan set alert to in a time to reminds you when ever you want with the weather statios, and if the weather have a dangerose statios you can enaabel it to tell you
Just install it and set your favourite setting or set them as defult.
- Cashing
- Add Custom Location, or va gps
- Work Offline &Online
- Suppurt Dark and Light Mood
- Support English & Arabic Languages
- Kotlin.
- xml
- MVVM Design Pattern
- Room DataBase
- LiveData
- widget
- Android Studio
- photoshop
- Postman
- Adobe XD
By @EsraaFathy