Demonstrate multi resource application

Tool Requirements

  • OpenShift CLI Version >= 4.3.0
    Needed for kustomize
oc version


This provides a Pac-man application, where GitOps flows can be used to change the playing board from blue to green.


  • 1+ managed-clusters
  • Those Managed-Cluster to target, must have a label with metadata.labels.usage: development
  • A fork of this repository

Application Console: Create a new subscription

Using the application console, you can easily create an Application that runs Pac-man on your cluster(s). You can then update the deployment, and change the image from latest to green, using a Git merge. This change will then be propogated to any subscribed clusters.


  1. Open the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes console
  2. Navigate on the left navigation menu to Managed applications
  3. Choose Create application
  4. Enter the following values:
  • Name: pacman
  • Namespace: pacman
  • Repository types Git
  • URL
  • Branch main
  • Path pacman
  • Select Deploy application resources only on clusters matching specified labels
  • Label name usage
  • Label value development
  1. Click Save


  • Navigate on the left navigation menu to Managed applications
  • Click the pacman Application name.
  • View the Topology
  • Click the Route nodes to obtain the Pac-man URL
  • Click the URL to see a Red Hat landing page with nginx version

Changing the background colour

  • In Github, using your fork of this repository, edit the ./pacman/deployment.yaml and change the image tag from latest to green
  • Commit your change
  • Within 60s the background of the Pac-man board will change to green (don't forget to refresh your browser)
  • The demo is ready to be run again