
📕 🎓 Spring Boot Web App for library support. Produced for the Software Engineering and Software Project Management courses of Computer Science at University of Salerno.

Primary LanguageHTML

📕 Spring Boot Web App for library support. 📕
A project for
Software Engineering and Software Project Management
courses of Computer Science at University of Salerno.

Project description and introduction

In this section we introduce context informations for the project.


📕 🎓 Spring Boot Web App for library support. Produced for the Software Engineering and Software Project Management courses of Computer Science at University of Salerno.



  • Project's javadoc can be found in docs directory and at the following link: Javadoc Link.
  • Process documentation can be found in projectDocs directory.

Technical informations

In this section we introduce technical informations and installing guides!

Clone and run the project locally with IntelliJ

Follow these steps:

  1. Install IntelliJ ultimate edition on your PC;
  2. Clone this repo;
  3. Open cloned directory with IntelliJ;
  4. Run the project with SpringBoot Run Configuration;
  5. Open your browser on localhost:8080.

Clone and run the project locally with maven

Follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo;
  2. Go into biblionet directory;
  3. Run ./mwnw (or .\mvnw.cmd if you're on windows) clean package and wait for maven to build;
  4. Run java -jar target/BiblioNet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;
  5. Open your browser on localhost:8080.

Clone and test the project locally with maven

Follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo;
  2. Go into biblionet directory;
  3. Run ./mwnw (or .\mvnw.cmd if you're on windows) clean test and wait for maven to build;

Built With

  • Java - The programming language used for the back-end development.
  • Spring Framework - The java framework used to develop (Spring MVC/Web).
  • Maven - Dependency Management.
  • HTML5 - The programming language used for the front-end development.
  • Bootstrap - Front-end framework.
  • Thymeleaf - Java template to render static pages into dynamic.
