Install this starter (assuming Gatsby is installed and updated) by running from your CLI:
npm run develop # or gatsby develop
Edit the export object in data/SiteConfig
module.exports = {
siteTitle: 'Gatsby Advanced Starter', // Site title.
siteTitleShort: 'GA Starter', // Short site title for homescreen (PWA). Preferably should be under 12 characters to prevent truncation.
siteTitleAlt: 'GatsbyJS Advanced Starter', // Alternative site title for SEO.
siteLogo: '/logos/logo-1024.png', // Logo used for SEO and manifest.
siteUrl: '', // Domain of your website without pathPrefix.
pathPrefix: '/', // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to
siteDescription: 'A GatsbyJS stater with Advanced design in mind.', // Website description used for RSS feeds/meta description tag.
siteRss: '/rss.xml', // Path to the RSS file.
siteRssTitle: 'Gatsby Advanced Starter RSS feed', // Title of the RSS feed
siteFBAppID: '1825356251115265', // FB Application ID for using app insights
googleAnalyticsID: 'UA-47311644-5', // GA tracking ID.
disqusShortname: 'https-vagr9k-github-io-gatsby-advanced-starter', // Disqus shortname.
dateFromFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // Date format used in the frontmatter.
dateFormat: 'DD/MM/YYYY', // Date format for display.
postsPerPage: 4, // Amount of posts displayed per listing page. Set to zero to disable paging. See the "Pagination" section.
userName: 'Advanced User', // Username to display in the author segment.
userEmail: '', // Email used for RSS feed's author segment
userTwitter: '', // Optionally renders "Follow Me" in the UserInfo segment.
userLocation: 'North Pole, Earth', // User location to display in the author segment.
userAvatar: '', // User avatar to display in the author segment.
"Yeah, I like animals better than people sometimes... Especially dogs. Dogs are the best. Every time you come home, they act like they haven't seen you in a year. And the good thing about dogs... is they got different dogs for different people.", // User description to display in the author segment.
// Links to social profiles/projects you want to display in the author segment/navigation bar.
userLinks: [
label: 'GitHub',
url: '',
iconClassName: 'fa fa-github',
label: 'Twitter',
url: '',
iconClassName: 'fa fa-twitter',
label: 'Email',
url: '',
iconClassName: 'fa fa-envelope',
copyright: 'Copyright © 2019. Advanced User', // Copyright string for the footer of the website and RSS feed.
themeColor: '#c62828', // Used for setting manifest and progress theme colors.
backgroundColor: '#e0e0e0', // Used for setting manifest background color.
If want to customize Netlify CMS, e.g. registering custom widgets or styling the preview pane, you can do so by editing src/netlifycms/index.js
import CMS from 'netlify-cms-app'
config: {
backend: {
name: 'git-gateway',
You can also optionally set pathPrefix
module.exports = {
// Note: it must *not* have a trailing slash.
pathPrefix: '/gatsby-advanced-starter', // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to
WARNING: Make sure to edit static/robots.txt
to include your domain for the sitemap!
By default the starter will show 4 posts per page. The landing page is the first page located on /
(controlled by the Listing
You can control the amount of posts via SiteConfig
by setting the postsPerPage: ${NUMBER}
NOTE: You can also disable the pagination by setting the postsPerPage: 0
. In this case the landing page will be controlled by the Landing
First of all, make sure to edit static/admin/config.yml
and add your GitHub/GitLab/NetlifyId credentials:
name: github # Refer to for auth backend list and instructions
branch: master # Branch to update
repo: KWCrossTown # Repo for pushing new commits. Make sure to replace with your repo!
You can visit /admin/
after and will be greeted by a login dialog (depending on the auth provider you ave chosen above).
For NetlifyCMS specific issues visit the official documentation.