
Parse a PFS:First Choice Database to SQLite (round trip)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

First Choice Convertor

This is a python program to convert PFS:First Choice database files.


Paul H Alfille 2020

First Choice


Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


Why First Choice

I found First Choice a great solution for indexing collections for myself and my wife, back in the early DOS days. Although Windows and other developments left that program behind, the program still functions, especially in DOSBOX. I run it on Windows, Linux, Mac and even a Chromebook.

The problem with this approach is that in a multi-computer environment (it's 2020!) the program needs to run locally. While the file can be copied over the network prior to program start, and back at the end, it's a fragile process.

Classing PFS:First Choice

Data Extraction

My first conversion programs were quite successful. See the Sourceforge page: first2html

This is a set of perl and C programs that can extract the data to HTML (Which is easy to manipulate for display).

Current Approach

While extracting data is nice, it would be nice to have a server-based multiuser database with conversion from and to the original First Choice format. The goal is to make the database view and editing web-based.


  • Data extraction with Python3
  • Data conversion to SQLite3 for on-line use
  • Data conversion back to FirstChoice .FOL with python3
  • Add journal and backup in SQL

Web based


  • FirstOut -- Comercial, extract only
  • First2html -- Open Source, extract only
  • The module first.py can as standalone to parse and write a FOL file. It is used by web program for the FOL parsing.


FirstChoice is released under the terms of MIT License.

Get the program

Source (pure python3)

Run the program (server)

  • Should be run as a web server (port 8080 by default)
  • FOL files should be in the parent directory (scanned recursively)
  • Needs many of the standard python modules
  • sqlite3
  • http.server, cgi
  • random, os, textwrap, argparse, sys, struct, signal
  • From the command line:python3 webfirst.py
  • Command line arguments are all optional (localhost:8080 is the default) Command Line Options

Web browser

Find URL of server

Choose Database file and user


  • user name is arbitrary
  • Setting like table column layout follow user/file pair
  • Authorization or auditing could be implemented
  • File must end in <.fol> or <.FOL>
  • File integrity not yet tested

Form view


  • From here is possible to put a search pattern
  • Add a new record
  • Edit an existing record
  • Copy / Delete a record

Table view


  • Tables follow the last search
  • Listed in order by column contents left to right
  • Click on a record to open it in Form view
  • Columns names can be dragged around
  • Column widths can be dragged (it's tricky)
  • Contents can be downloaded to an Excel-compatible CSV file
  • Columns can layout can be customized in the menu:

Column menu

First Choice Database Format Information


Here follows a summary of the discovered fields in a FirstChoice Database.


All files are in 128 byte blocks. The blocks have relatively set content, and if a record extends beyond 128 bytes, a continuation record follows


Numbers are generally 2-byte little endian unsigned integers. Big Endian is used in some form definition fields!

"Magic" File ID

  • The file extension is ".FOL"
  • There is a special string at byte 9 GERBILDB

Record types

  • Header
  • "Empties list" (Always Record 4 = 5th block)
  • Empty
  • Form description (+ continuations)
  • Data record (+ continuations)
Pos Size Value Description
0 2 0x81 Data record
0 2 0x01 Data continuation
0 2 0x82 Form Description View
0 2 0x02 Form Description continuation
0 2 0x83 Table View
0 2 0x03 Table View continuation
0 2 0x84 Formula
0 2 0x04 Formula continuation


Always first block (block 0)

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int Form definition location (block#-1)
2 2 int Last used block not always accurate
4 2 int Total file blocks - 1
6 2 int Data records
8 14 chars Magic string '0x0cGERBILDB3 0x00'
22 2 int Number of Database fields (+1)
24 2 int Form length in chars?
26 2 int Form revisions (starts at 1)
28 2 int more2
30 2 int entries in empties list, 0 for none
32 2 int Table View location (block#-1), 0xFFFF for none
34 2 int Block number of program record (block#-1)
36 2 int more 6
38 2 int more 7
40 1 byte size of next field (8 byte minimum)
41 chars @DISKVAR value for formulas

Empties list

Always 5th block (block 4)

  • List of paired numbers (can go on for several records)
  • Number of pairs in Header field
  • Some extra repeated pairs can persist
Location Size
Int (2byte) block# -1 Int number of blocks

Text Encoding


  • Field names
  • Background text
  • Data text

Additive attributes

  • Bold on/off
  • Italic on/off
  • Underline on/off
  • These attributes are addative

Exclusive attributes

  • Normal
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • These attributes are mutually exclusive, but can be combined with Bold/Italic/Underline

General format

Size Type Description
2 int-BE Field size (in bytes)
multiple bytes text bytes

Text bytes -- 1 byte char

Position Type Value Description
1 all 0x13 Carriage Return (counts as 2 bytes in field length)
1 data 0x00-0x7F Ascii character (counts as one byte)

Text bytes -- 2 byte char

Position Type Value Description
1 all 0x80 space
1 field 0x81 Text (default)
1 field 0x82 Numeric
1 field 0x83 Date
1 field 0x84 Time
1 field 0x85 Yes/No
2 field 0x90 normal
2 field 0x91 Underline
2 field 0x92 Bold
2 field 0x94 Italic
2 data 0x81 Underline
2 data 0x82 Bold
2 data 0x84 Italic

Text bytes -- 3 byte char

Position Type Value Description
1 all 0x80 space
1 field 0x81 Text (default)
1 field 0x82 Numeric
1 field 0x83 Date
1 field 0x84 Time
1 field 0x85 Yes/No
2 background,field 0xd0 normal
2 background,field 0xd1 Underline
2 background,field 0xd2 normal
2 background,field 0xd4 Italic
2 data 0xd0 normal
2 data 0xd1 Underline
2 data 0xd2 normal
2 data 0xd4 Italic
3 field,data 0x82 subscript
3 field,data 0x84 superscript
3 background 0x81 normal
3 background 0x83 subscript
3 background 0x85 superscript

Form Description Record

note that "int-BE" is Big Endian integer

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int 0x82 Form description start (only one)
2 2 int total blocks (this + continuations)
4 2 int-BE lines in form screen
6 2 int-BE length+lines+1
8 120 data form fields

Screen Layout

Record screen shot

  • Fixed width ascii chars
  • 78 char width (border line lanes 2 chars)
  • 20 displays lines (but will scroll down)
  • No position addressing. All layout from upper left.
  • Move to next line with 0x0d or line wrap

Form Field

Background text, CR and spaces are optional and may be multiple.

Field Name Encoding

Field names are 2 bytes per char plus a field type char:

Data Record

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int 0x81 Data record start
Data Fields

Data Field

A 0x0d is added to end if next field in on another line

Data entry length cannot extend past location of next field on screen. (I.e. long fields do not move next field).

Table View

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int 0x83 Data record start
2 2 int total blocks (this + continuations)

Field width

A 0x0d is added to end if next field in on another line

Program Record

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int 0x84 Data record start
2 2 int total blocks (this + continuations)

Program line

A 0x0d is added to end if next field in on another line

Data entry length cannot extend past location of next field on screen. (I.e. long fields do not move next field).

Deleted Record / Empty Block

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int 0
2 126 chars all 0x00

Continuation Record

Pos Size Type Description
0 2 int 0x01 Data continuation
0 2 int 0x02 Form continuation
0 2 int 0x04 Program continuation
2 126 data continuation of prior block payload