
Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

NOMP KawPoW Algorithm Pool -HiveCoin

Highly Efficient mining pool for Coins based on KawPoW algo!

This is opensource mining pool for HiveCoin, Please visit HiveCoin for more information

Example site





Pool Stats

Pool Stats

Miner Stats

Miner Stats



Node Open Mining Portal consists of 3 main modules:

Project Link
KawPoWNOMP https://github.com/HiveProject2021/kawpow-pool
Stratum Pool https://github.com/tweetyf/kawpow-stratum-pool.git
Node Multihashing https://github.com/dr4mohamed/node-multi-hashing.git


NOTE: These requirements will be installed in the install section!

  • Ubuntu Server 18.04.* LTS
  • Coin daemon
  • Node Version Manager
  • Node 8.1.4
  • Process Manager 2 / pm2
  • Redis Server
  • ntp

Install HiveCoin Daemon

sudo adduser pool
sudo usermod -aG sudo pool
su - pool
sudo apt install wget
wget https://github.com/HiveProject2021/Hivecoin/releases/download/
sudo dpkg -i hivecoin-
mkdir -p ~/.hive/
touch ~/.hive/hive.conf
echo "rpcuser=user1" > ~/.hive/hive.conf
echo "rpcpassword=pass1" >> ~/.hive/hive.conf
echo "prune=550" >> ~/.hive/hive.conf
echo "daemon=1" >> ~/.hive/hive.conf
hive-cli getnewaddress

Example output: HNRMPAYzdBHGWgK7CjSFByuUcufCHSST7r - it is the address of your pool, you need to remember it and specify it in the configuration file pool_configs/hivecoin.json.

hive-cli getaddressesbyaccount ""

Information about pool wallet address.

hive-cli getwalletinfo

Get more information.

hive-cli getblockcount

Information about synchronization of blocks in the main chain.

hive-cli help

Other helpfull commands.

Install Pool

sudo apt install git -y
cd ~
git config --global http.https://gopkg.in.followRedirects true
git clone https://github.com/HiveProject2021/kawpow-pool
cd kawpow-pool/

Configure Pool

Change "stratumHost": "", to your IP or DNS in file config.json:

cd ~/kawpow-pool
nano config.json
    "poolname": "Hive Coin Pool",
    "devmode": false,
    "devmodePayMinimim": 0.25,
    "devmodePayInterval": 120,
    "logips": true,       
    "anonymizeips": true,
    "ipv4bits": 16,
    "ipv6bits": 16,
    "poolwarningmsg": "",
    "defaultCoin": "hivecoin",
    "poollogo": "/static/icons/hivecoin.png",
    "discordtwitterfacebook": "",
    "pagetitle": "Hive Coin Pool - 0% Fees Promo",
    "pageauthor": "Hive project",
    "pagedesc": "A reliable, 0% fee, easy to use mining pool for cryptocurrency! No matter your experience with mining cryptocurrency, we make it easy! Get started mining today!",
    "pagekeywds": "GPU,CPU,Hash,Hashrate,Cryptocurrency,Crypto,Mining,Pool,Bitcoin,Hive,Hivecoin,Wavi,Wavicoin,Dixicoin,Dixi,QBic,QBicCoin,Easy,Simple,How,To",

    "btcdonations": "",
    "ltcdonations": "",
    "ethdonations": "",

    "logger" : {
        "level" : "debug",
        "file" : "./logs/nomp_debug.log"

    "cliHost": "",
    "cliPort": 17117,

    "clustering": {
        "enabled": false,
        "forks": "auto"

    "defaultPoolConfigs": {
        "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
        "jobRebroadcastTimeout": 55,
        "connectionTimeout": 600,
        "emitInvalidBlockHashes": false,
        "validateWorkerUsername": true,
        "tcpProxyProtocol": false,
        "banning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "time": 600,
            "invalidPercent": 50,
            "checkThreshold": 500,
            "purgeInterval": 300
        "redis": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 6379

    "website": {
        "enabled": true,
        "sslenabled": false,
        "sslforced": false,
        "host": "",
        "port": 8080,
        "sslport": 443,
        "sslkey": "~/nomp-kawpow-pool/certs/privkey.pem",
        "sslcert": "~/nomp-kawpow-pool/certs/fullchain.pem",
        "stratumHost": "",
        "stats": {
            "updateInterval": 30,
            "historicalRetention": 172800,
            "hashrateWindow": 600
        "adminCenter": {
            "enabled": false,

    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379

    "switching": {
        "switch1": {
            "enabled": false,
            "algorithm": "sha256",
            "ports": {
                "3333": {
                    "diff": 10,
                    "varDiff": {
                        "minDiff": 16,
                        "maxDiff": 512,
                        "targetTime": 15,
                        "retargetTime": 90,
                        "variancePercent": 30
        "switch2": {
            "enabled": false,
            "algorithm": "scrypt",
            "ports": {
                "4444": {
                    "diff": 10,
                    "varDiff": {
                        "minDiff": 16,
                        "maxDiff": 512,
                        "targetTime": 15,
                        "retargetTime": 90,
                        "variancePercent": 30
        "switch3": {
            "enabled": false,
            "algorithm": "x11",
            "ports": {
                "5555": {
                    "diff": 0.001,
                    "varDiff": {
                        "minDiff": 0.001,
                        "maxDiff": 1, 
                        "targetTime": 15, 
                        "retargetTime": 60, 
                        "variancePercent": 30 

    "profitSwitch": {
        "enabled": false,
        "updateInterval": 600,
        "depth": 0.90,
        "usePoloniex": true,
        "useCryptsy": true,
        "useMintpal": true,
        "useBittrex": true


Create a pool config for you coins:

mv pool_configs/hivecoin_example.json pool_configs/hivecoin.json

Change "address": "HQWTiHTAUVxUkrV72bqW5Tfrpgbzkde1Q4", to your pool created wallet address in file hivecoin.json:

cd pool_configs
nano hivecoin.json
    "enabled": true,
    "coin": "hivecoin.json",

    "address": "HQWTiHTAUVxUkrV72bqW5Tfrpgbzkde1Q4",
    "donateaddress": "HQWTiHTAUVxUkrV72bqW5Tfrpgbzkde1Q4",

    "rewardRecipients": {

    "paymentProcessing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "schema": "PROP",
        "paymentInterval": 300,
        "minimumPayment": 5,
        "maxBlocksPerPayment": 50000,
        "minConf": 30,
        "coinPrecision": 8,
        "daemon": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 9766,
            "user": "user1",
            "password": "pass1"

    "ports": {
		"10001": {
            "diff": 0.001,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 0.001,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10002": {
            "diff": 0.01,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 0.01,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10003": {
            "diff": 0.1,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 0.1,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10004": {
            "diff": 0.5,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 0.5,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10005": {
            "diff": 1,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 1,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10006": {
            "diff": 2,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 2,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10007": {
            "diff": 4,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 4,
    	        "maxDiff": 64,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25
		"10008": {
            "diff": 0.5,
    	    "varDiff": {
    	        "minDiff": 0.5,
    	        "maxDiff": 32,
    	        "targetTime": 10,
    	        "retargetTime": 60,
    	        "variancePercent": 30,
    		    "maxJump": 25

    "daemons": [
            "host": "",
            "port": 9766,
            "user": "user1",
            "password": "pass1"

    "p2p": {
        "enabled": false,
        "host": "",
        "port": 19333,
        "disableTransactions": true

    "mposMode": {
        "enabled": false,
        "host": "",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "me",
        "password": "mypass",
        "database": "ltc",
        "checkPassword": true,
        "autoCreateWorker": false

    "mongoMode": {
        "enabled": false,
        "host": "",
        "user": "",
        "pass": "",
        "database": "ltc",
        "authMechanism": "DEFAULT"


Run Pool

node ./init.js


If you have any questions or have interested to get involved into this project, please join us Discord: https://discord.gg/BBQnctGdHK