
Amiga development environment (VBCC+VASM+VLINK)

Primary LanguageC


This is a simple cross-development environment for Amiga-68k (AmigaOS 3.x) under Windows. It consists of VBCC, VASM, VLINK and PosixLib.

Current build consists of:

  • VBCC v0.9g
  • VLink v0.16f
  • VAsm v1.9a

Clone repository

Clone repository with all submodules (vbcc, vlink and vasm) to a local drive:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/alfishe/amiga-dev.git


git clone https://github.com/alfishe/amiga-dev.git
git submodule init
git submodule update

Pull changes / update:

git pull --recurse-submodules


cd src


Install everything to "C:\amiga-dev", add "C:\amiga-dev\bin" to PATH, and set the VBCC environment variable to "C:\amiga-dev\targets\m68k-amigaos". Now you should be good to go.


This package contains VBCC, VASM and VLINK, all developed by Volker Barthelmann - see http://www.compilers.de/ for details.

It also contains libraries and header files from PosixLib for VBCC by Frank Wille - see http://aminet.net/package/dev/c/vbcc_PosixLib for details.

The trivial build and packaging was done by Erik Faye-Lund, and supplied only for convenience.

Building next version by yourself

All was done following excellent guide found at Blitter Studio: http://blitterstudio.com/setting-up-an-amiga-cross-compiler-windows/ and http://blitterstudio.com/setting-up-an-amiga-cross-compiler-windows-part-2/