
WebRTC Demo using OpenTok's WebRTC library for video and OpenTok signaling for live chat

Primary LanguageCSS

WebRTC Demo

File Overview

  • Procfile is required to run the nodejs app on Heroku
  • package.json contains all npm modules to run the app
  • app.js contains all server side code
  • views folder contains the html template for the app
  • public/css folder contains all the css for the app.
    Look for files with .scss extensions. .css files are generated from sass.
  • public/js contains the front end code and interactions with OpenTok and FireBase SDK Look for files with .coffee extensions. .js files are generated from coffeescript.

How to run the app:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Get my API Key and Secret from TokBox
  3. Replace OTKEY and OTSECRET with your corresponding API Key and Secret in app.js
  4. Run npm install to install the necessary packages
  5. Start the server with node app.js