
Caddy module to Convert gRPC-Web requests to normal gRPC for servers

Primary LanguageGo

gRPC-Web Bridge for Caddy

This module implements a bridge from gRPC-Web clients to gRPC servers. It is similar to Envoy's envoy.filters.http.grpc_web filter. It is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.

To convert gRPC-Web requests to gRPC, simply add the grpc_web handler to your HTTP route. It should go before your reverse_proxy or any other handler that would expect a gRPC request.



	order grpc_web before reverse_proxy

:5452 {
	reverse_proxy h2c://


	"apps": {
		"http": {
			"servers": {
				"srv0": {
					"listen": [
					"routes": [
							"handle": [
									"handler": "grpc_web"
									"handler": "reverse_proxy",
									"transport": {
										"protocol": "http",
										"versions": [
									"upstreams": [
											"dial": ""

You can also specify the websocket_ping parameter to an interval value >= 1s for websocket keep-alive pings to be enabled.