
Laravel Project with nuxt frontend styled with TailwindCSS

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Laravel-Nuxt API

A Laravel-Nuxt styled with TailwindCSS starter project template.

Inspired in cretueusebiu/laravel-nuxt


  • Laravel 6
  • Authentication with JWT
  • Nuxt 2.10
  • TailwindCSS
  • VueTailwind Components
  • VueI18n
  • SSR or SPA
  • Authentication with JWT
  • Socialite integration
  • Login, register, password reset and profile pages


  • git clone git@github.com:alfonsobries/laravel-nuxt-tailwind.git <name-of-your-project>
  • Edit .env to set your database connection details
  • Install dependencies composer update and npm install (or yarn install)
  • run php artisan key:generate and php artisan jwt:secret
  • php artisan migrate



npm run dev

Production with SSR

npm run build
npm run start

Nginx Proxy

For Nginx you can add a proxy using the follwing location block:

server {
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://HOST:PORT;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Where HOST is the ip address of your server and PORT is the port you're running the application (3000 by default).

Process Manager

In production you need a process manager to keep the Node server alive forever:

# install pm2 process manager
npm install -g pm2

# startup script
pm2 startup

# start process
pm2 start npm --name "laravel-nuxt" -- run start

# save process list
pm2 save

# list all processes
pm2 l

After each deploy you'll need to restart the process:

pm2 restart laravel-nuxt 

Production without SSR

If you don't want server side rendering you can use the mode option:

  • Uncomment mode: 'spa' and '~plugins/nuxt-client-init' in client/nuxt.config.js
  • Uncomment // ->prefix('api') in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php
  • Set APP_URL=http://example.com/api and CLIENT_URL=http://example.com in your .env
  • Run npm run build

Make sure to read the Nuxt docs.


  • This project uses router-module, so you have to add the routes manually in client/router.js.
  • If you want to separate this in two projects (client and server api), move package.json into client/ and remove config path option from the scripts section. Also make sure to add the env variables in client/.env.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.