Vue UI components with configurable classes ready for TailwindCSS
Pinned issues
- 1
Time in french
#272 opened by QuentinMichinot - 0
Rich Select Selected Label for Multiple
#275 opened by YeftaAW - 2
Pass additional variable to fetchOptions
#274 opened by msslgomez - 1
- 9
Build for production with Vite?
#268 opened by seabasss - 0
Rich Select multiple placeholder not rendering
#271 opened by msslgomez - 1
How use t-dropdown in file .tsx
#264 opened by armandowni - 0
Variants don't work
#263 opened by the-overdriven - 0
Header Modal Customize
#260 opened by gianmarx - 0
Allow radio buttons to be deselectable
#213 opened by DamianGlowala - 0
- 0
🚨 [Important]: project status
#259 opened by alfonsobries - 2
Checkbox not working, value never changes
#257 opened by msslgomez - 3
Datepicker Error on focus
#226 opened by thomas4Bitcraft - 3
Pagination in Rich Select
#248 opened by eguidotti - 0
not working with vueJS3
#255 opened by hermanno18 - 0
Semantic TCard (and others)
#250 opened by iBobik - 0
<router-link>'s tag prop is deprecated
#247 opened by iBobik - 0
Dropdown without JavaScript
#246 opened by iBobik - 0
How to blur T-rich-select dropdown upon select
#244 opened by matthewknill - 1
[help wanted] t-rich-select grouping options
#242 opened by talhacan - 0
How to display Datepicker only year?
#239 opened by bayuaji08 - 0
TRichSelect - Buttons in DropdownUp and DropdownDown do not register click in Safari
#238 opened by Jetro223 - 2
t-rich-select default selected option.
#225 opened by yubarajshrestha - 0
Provide ES build
#236 opened by tobiasdiez - 6
Rich Select's required prop not working properly
#215 opened by KimangKhenng - 1
Hide dropdown when you click away?
#196 opened - 0
Bug with nested results for TRichSelect
#232 opened by amkatyshev - 0
- 1
t-input - variant props notworking
#224 opened by bishwajitcadhikary - 1
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Component Request: Tabs
#202 opened by timothymarois - 6
- 0
t-input input event called twice
#223 opened by loic001 - 1
T-select runs @change event two times
#195 opened by mort3za - 1
Datepicker without a text field
#222 opened by DamianGlowala - 0
Inertiajs forms support
#220 opened by atymic - 4
Rich select, selected options dont have css, and problem when using array of objects as options in multiple mode
#200 opened by iteniasim - 1
Using with Nuxt & vue Composition API
#205 opened by andyjamesn - 8
[BUG] Needs to be updated to Vue 2.6.14
#206 opened - 1
Datetime picker CSS not working correctly
#210 opened by jonowilliams26 - 4
- 0
Rich select & clearable option
#211 opened by michaudhugo - 0
Modal Closed on Moving Mouse Click to Outside
#209 opened by faizalami - 0
Auto-size input and text area
#208 opened by tobiasdiez - 2
Missing styles after running nuxt generate.
#204 opened by rhanmiano - 0
Component Request: Button Groups
#203 opened by timothymarois - 0
- 1
datetime picker - start/end date
#194 opened by smensel - 0
[Package] Vue-Tailwind Settings
#189 opened