FAST Element Starter

This is a starter project for a building web component library using FAST Element.

Getting Started

Before getting started, make sure you have installed all dependencies:

npm install

Starting Dev Environment

npm run dev

This command will start up the Storybook environment and run the custom element manifest generator.

Running on a Local Web Server

npm run serve

Sometimes you need to isolate your components for additional testing. Running the serve command will start a local web server using the index.html file at the root of the project.

Testing Your Components

npm run test

-- or --

npm run test:watch

These will open up headless browser instances (configured in web-test-runner.congig.mjs) and run your automated tests defined in your *.tests.ts files.


When preparing your components for deployment, run the build command. This will compile all of your files into the ./dist directory in a format for your package manger to consume.

npm run build