This project aims to automate front-end tests for a Liferay DXP intranet page styled wit ha custom theme
- Get the necessary files for Jasmine and Jasmine-Jquery:
The JS file where your tests specs are coded. For this project, user-profile-theme-tests.js
- Include them in your HTML through portal_normal.ftl:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${javascript_folder}/libs/jasmine-3.1.0/jasmine.css">
<script src="${javascript_folder}/libs/jasmine-3.1.0/jasmine.js"></script>
<script src="${javascript_folder}/libs/jasmine-3.1.0/jasmine-html.js"></script>
<script src="${javascript_folder}/libs/jasmine-3.1.0/boot.js"></script>
and right before the closing </body>
<script src="${javascript_folder}/libs/jasmine-3.1.0/jasmine-jquery.js"></script>
<script src="${javascript_folder}/tests/user-profile-theme-tests.js"></script>
You may see an example here: portal_normal.ftl
- Compile and deploy your theme, apply the theme to a page, the tests should run as the page loads and should be visible at the bottom:
The tests ensure that the:
User Profile Theme
- is present on page
- has the intended layout
Activities portlet
- is present on page
- is relevant for the currently logged user
- has visible tags
- has hyperlinks pointing to valid URLs
- has views text with 12px font size
- has preview text with 16px font size
- shows the icons next to the actions for the Wiki articles
Activity selector
- is present on page
- calls filterByActivityType() function on Activity selector change event
Grow Subscriber portlet
- is present on page
User Card
- is present on page
- has the right spacing and appears on the left
- has hyerlink that leads to a relevant Loop URL
The library used ([jasmine] / [jasmine-jquery]) is specified in comments at the top of each spec, in the user-profile-theme-tests.js file
- Jasmine - v. 3.1.0
- Jasmine-Jquery - v. 2.1.1