
Primary LanguageCSS


Gulp is a tool developed by NodeJS that helps you automate tasks such as compiling different languages, minifying code, auto-refreshing the browser when you modify your code, validating syntax, compressing files, creating custom automations and much more!


-You must create a git repository that ignores the production version of the generated assets. -Create a clear and orderly directory structure -Both the code and the comments must be written in English -Use the camelCase code style for defining variables and functions -Remember that it is important to divide the tasks into several sub-tasks so that in this way you can associate each particular step of the construction with a specific commit -You should try as much as possible that the commits and the planned tasks are the same -Delete files that are not used or are not necessary to evaluate the project

Technologies used

Gulp Visual Studio Code Autoprefix Sass Css Browser-sync Typescript

How to use it

Just type "Gulp" in the terminal and hit enter, and all the tasks will be done.


Alfonso De La Guardia