
Music List utility in Python code. It allows to read a music structure in your file system, and create a file with the information in several formats: Plain Text, SQLite Database, CSV, JSON, XML, HTML.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Music List utility in Python

This repo contains a Music List utility in Python code.

This utility allows to read a music structure in your file system, and create a file with the information in several formats:

  • Plain Text
  • SQLite Database
  • CVS
  • JSON (Music List format)
  • JSON (Tracks List format)
  • XML (Music List format)
  • XML (Tracks List format)
  • HTML


  • The code was written for Python 3.

Using the utility

  • This utility allows to read a music structure in your file system:

    ├── artist_1
    │   ├── album_1_1/
    │   │   ├── track_1_1_1
    │   │   ├── track_1_1_2
    │   │   └── track_1_1_3
    │   │
    │   └── album_1_2/
    │       ├── track_1_2_1
    │       └── track_1_2_2
    ├── artist_2/
    │   ├── album_2_1/
    │   │   ├── track_2_1_1
    │   │   └── track_2_1_2
    │   │
    │   └── album_2_2/
    │       ├── track_2_2_1
    │       └── track_2_2_2
    └── artist_3/
        └── lbum_3_1/
            ├── track_3_1_1
            └── track_3_1_2

    And save the information in a file with the format selected.

  • Run the utility:

    python musiclist.py <parameters>


    --path          directory where the music is
    -p  --print     print music list
    -f  --file      write music list to a text file
    -d  --db        write music list to SQLite Database
    -c  --csv       write music list to a CSV file
    -j  --json      write music list (music list) to a JSON file
    -j2 --json2     write music list (tracks list) to a JSON file
    -x  --xml       write music list (music list) to an XML file
    -x2 --xml2      write music list (tracks list) to an XML file
    -h  --html      write music list to an HTML file
    --dbview        view music list information from a SQLite Database
    --csvview       view music list information from a CSV file
    --jsonview      view music list information from a JSON file
    --xmlview       view music list information from an XML file
    --htmlview      view music list information from an HTML file

Using the code

  • The application has these components:

    ├── __init__.py
    ├── createlist.py
    └── viewlist.py
    • musiclist.py: Main application that manages the parameters in the command line and calls the functions.
    • __init__.py: It contains the definition of the musicmod directory as a package.
    • createlist.py: It contains the funtion that read the music directory and all funtions that create the format files.
    • viewlist.py: It contains the functions that view the content of the format files.
  • The application shows how to manage (write and read) several kind of format files.

  • The application uses differents formats for storing the information:

    • Plain Text

    • SQLite Database

      Table format: artist text, album text, track text

    • CVS

      Format: artist, album, track

    • JSON in Music List format

          "format": "music-list",
          "music": [
                  "artists": [
                          "name": "author-1",
                          "albums": [ 
                                  "title": "album-1_1",
                                  "tracks": [
                                          "title": "track_1_1_1",
                                          "title": "track_1_1_2"
    • JSON in Tracks List format

          "format": "tracks-list",
          "music": [
                  "artist": "author-1",
                  "album": "album-1_1",
                  "tracks": "track_1_1_1"
                  "artist": "author-1",
                  "album": "album-1_1",
                  "tracks": "track_1_1_2"
    • XML in Music List format

      <music format="music-list">
          <artist name="author-1">
              <album title="album-1_1">
    • XML in Tracks List format

      <music format="tracks-list">
    • HTML

          <h1>MUSIC LIST</h1>
  • When the utility is running with a paramenter for creating a file:

    1. Read the music directory.

      Example of directory:

      ├── artist_1
      │   ├── album_1_1/
      │   │   ├── track_1_1_1
      │   │   ├── track_1_1_2
      │   │   └── track_1_1_3
      │   │
      │   └── album_1_2/
      │       ├── track_1_2_1
      │       └── track_1_2_2
      ├── artist_2/
      │   ├── album_2_1/
      │   │   ├── track_2_1_1
      │   │   └── track_2_1_2
      │   │
      │   └── album_2_2/
      │       ├── track_2_2_1
      │       └── track_2_2_2
      └── artist_3/
          └── lbum_3_1/
              ├── track_3_1_1
              └── track_3_1_2
    2. Load the music list in memory dict_artists.

      Example of structure used:

      dict_artists = 
      {'artist-1': {'album-1_1': ['track-1_1_1', 'track-1_1_2', 'track-1_1_3'],
                    'album-1_2': ['track-1_2_1', 'track-1_2_2']},
       'artist-2': {'album-2_1': ['track-2_1_1', 'track-2_1_2'],
                    'album-2_2': ['track-2_2_1', 'track-2_2_2']},
       'artist-3': {'album-3_1': ['track-3_1_1', 'track-3_1_2']}
    3. Save the music list information in a file in the format selected.

  • When the utility is running with a paramenter for viewing a file:

    1. Read the file.
    2. Parse the format (Plain Text, SQLite Database, CSV, JSON, XML, HTML).
    3. Show the music list information on the screen.


This code is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.