
A multi-threaded web server with thread-pooling implemented in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Web Server v 1.1

A multi-threaded (e.g. file-based) web server with thread-pooling implemented in Java.

The Web Server uses a thread-pool with a fixed numbers of threads and a thread per connection that is incoming.


  • Static file serving.

  • Configuration file "webserver.properties". You can configure this variables:

    • ServerPort: Server port.
    • DocumentRoot: Directory where files are served.
    • DirectoryListing: Deactivate the listing of files when the URI does not content a file. By default is activate. To deactivate use "DirectoryListing=n"
    • ThreadsNumber: Number of threads running in the webserver thread-pool.

    Default values if the Web Server does not find a "webserver.properties" file:

    • ServerPort=9090
    • DocumentRoot=wwwdocs/
    • DirectoryListing=y
    • ThreadsNumber=10


The Web Server uses these libraries:

  • Apache log4j 2 version 2.7 It is used for logging. The application writes informative, warning and error messages in the console and in a rolling file in "logs" directory. It is configured using the "log4j2.xml" file.

  • jUnit version 4.12 It is used for testing. You can run the "WebServerTest" class in order to test the behaviour of the Web Server.

  • Apache HttpComponents version 4.5.2 It is used by the "WebServerTest" class in some tests in order to send command to the Web Server.


  • Create the jar file:

    You can create it in 2 ways:

    • Using Maven and goals "package" (mvn package) (Eclipse Run: Websever-package):

      • webserver.jar: JAR including dependencies
    • Using Eclipse in WebServer project:

      • File/Export
      • Runnable JAR file
      • Extract required libraries into generated JAR
      • webserver.jar generated
  • Run the Web Server "webserver.jar":

    You can run it in 2 ways:

    • Using default configuration on logging (only error messages to console).

      Executing this command:

      java -jar webserver.jar
    • Using a configuration on logging, writing informative, warning and error messages in the console and in a rolling file in "logs" directory.

      Executing this command:

      java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=resources/log4j2.xml -jar webserver.jar
  • In the document root "wwwdocs", there are several documents for testing the Web Server:

    File Comment
    index.html Simple html page
    images.html Html page containing 49 images
    img/*.gif Images for images.html page
    dir/dir.html Directory containing a simple html page
    imggiftest.gif Simple image in GIF format
    imgjpgtest.jpg Simple image in JPG format
    imgpngtest.png Simple image in PNG format
    wordtest.doc Simple word 97-2004 document
    wordtest.docx Simple word document
    pdftest.pdf Simple pdf document
    exceltest.xls Simple excel 97-2004 spreadsheet
    exceltest.xlsx Simple excel spreadsheet
  • You can test the WebServer using the class "WebServerTest".

  • The Javadoc documentation in "doc" directory.