
Basic ChIPseq pipeline, from downloading FASTQ files to calling ChIP peaks. Coded in bash and Perl

Primary LanguageShell

ChIP-seq pipeline

A bioinformatics pipeline to perform a basic ChIP-seq analysis, from getting the FASTQ files, read preprocessing and mapping to peak calling.

It explains the steps of the analysis and provides Perl and bash scripts (script folder) to run the analysis automatically with a few commands in the last section.

Annotation and differential binding analysis of peaks will be included in future versions of this pipeline.


I will use the dataset published in by Theodorou et al. Genome Research 2013, 23: 12-22

They perform ChIP-seq of estrogen-receptor (ESR1) in wt vs GATA3 silencing conditions (siGATA3) to understand how GATA3 regulates ESR1 binding.

The table below show the datasets used, stored in GEO database with the accession GSE40129.

BioSample Experiment SRA_Sample Run Exp_Name replicate
SAMN01113304 SRX176856 SRS356212 SRR540188 siNT_ER_E2_r1 r1
SAMN01113305 SRX176857 SRS356213 SRR540189 siGATA_ER_E2_r1 r1
SAMN01113306 SRX176858 SRS356214 SRR540190 siNT_ER_E2_r2 r2
SAMN01113307 SRX176859 SRS356215 SRR540191 siGATA_ER_E2_r2 r2
SAMN01113308 SRX176860 SRS356216 SRR540192 siNT_ER_E2_r3 r3
SAMN01113309 SRX176861 SRS356217 SRR540193 siGATA_ER_E2_r3 r3
SAMN01113336 SRX176888 SRS356244 SRR540220 MCF_input_r3 r3

The sample information of all datasets, or just the selected ones, can be downloaded from the NCBI SRA Run Selector by clicking RunInfo Table.

Raw data download

To download the FASTQ files, we need the RUN number of each sample and fastq-dump, or its faster version fasterq-dump, from the SRA Toolkit.

We can manually download each one as below

fasterq-dump SRR540188 
fasterq-dump SRR540189 
fasterq-dump SRR540193 
fasterq-dump SRR540220

or use the fastq-dump_SRRlist.sh script

#! /bin/bash

# Modify SRA_toolkit_path as needed
files=`cat SRR_Acc_List.txt`

for i in $files
    # $SRA_toolkit_path/fastq-dump --split-3 --gzip --accession $i
    $SRA_toolkit_path/fasterq-dump $i

that will read the RUN codes from the SRR_Acc_List.txt file that can be also downloaded from the NCBI SRA Run Selector by clicking AccessionList.


Just move the script (make it executable with chmod) and the SRR_Acc_List.txt file to the desired folder (e.g. fastq) and execute it as shown below.


Alternatively this can also be done directly from the terminal

cat SRR_Acc_List.txt | while read id; do fasterq-dump $id; done

Read preprocessing

This step performs adapter and quality trimming. Quality evaulation is done with fastqc and bbuk for the trimming.

fastqc can be run with the following code

fastqc SRR540188.fastq

and bbduk as follows

bbduk.sh in=SRR540188.fastq out=SRR540188.trim.fastq minlen=25 qtrim=r trimq=10

with the settings minimum size 25 bp and minimum quality score 10. Then, the quality of the resulting FASTQ file can be checked again.

fastqc SRR540188.trim.fastq

The preprocessing_SE.pl script performs all these steps automatically for all FASTQ files.


Initial quality analysis reports are saved in the results/fastqc folder. Trimmed FASTQ files are saved in the results/tr_fastq folder and the final quality reports in the results/tr_fastq/fastqc folder. The terminal output for one sample is shown below.

Processing SRR540188

FASTQC before trimming

Started analysis of SRR540188.fastq
Approx 5% complete for SRR540188.fastq
Approx 95% complete for SRR540188.fastq
Analysis complete for SRR540188.fastq

Trimming step

java -ea -Xmx9766m -Xms9766m -cp /mnt/518D6BCF3ECC578E/BBMap_38.32/bbmap/current/ jgi.BBDukF in=/mnt/518D6BCF3ECC578E/ChIP-seq/fastq/SRR540188.fastq out=/mnt/518D6BCF3ECC578E/ChIP-seq/results/tr_fastq/SRR540188.trim.fastq minlen=25 qtrim=r trimq=10
Executing jgi.BBDukF [in=/mnt/518D6BCF3ECC578E/ChIP-seq/fastq/SRR540188.fastq, out=/mnt/518D6BCF3ECC578E/ChIP-seq/results/tr_fastq/SRR540188.trim.fastq, minlen=25, qtrim=r, trimq=10]
Version 38.32

0.022 seconds.
Memory: max=10242m, total=10242m, free=10218m, used=24m

Input is being processed as unpaired
Started output streams: 0.013 seconds.
Processing time:        49.322 seconds.

Input:                      29991295 reads      1079686620 bases.
QTrimmed:                   1344332 reads (4.48%)   17896547 bases (1.66%)
Total Removed:              365851 reads (1.22%)    17896547 bases (1.66%)
Result:                     29625444 reads (98.78%)     1061790073 bases (98.34%)

Time:                           49.336 seconds.
Reads Processed:      29991k    607.89k reads/sec
Bases Processed:       1079m    21.88m bases/sec

FASTQC after trimming

Started analysis of SRR540188.trim.fastq
Approx 5% complete for SRR540188.trim.fastq
Approx 95% complete for SRR540188.trim.fastq
Analysis complete for SRR540188.trim.fastq

The whole output is in the preprocessing_SE.log file.

Reads alignment

bowtie2, a fast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences, was selected to align the trimmed FASTQ files. It is particularly good at aligning reads of about 50 up to 100s of characters to relatively long (e.g. mammalian) genomes. bowtie2 indexes the genome with an FM Index, indexes for most common genomes can be found at Illumina's iGenomes collection.

bowtie2 outputs the alignment in SAM format. The SAM file must be converted to BAM format, sorted and indexed. The code below does all this. SAM Tools provide various utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format.

bowtie2 -p 3 -x human_index/genome -U SRR540188.trim.fastq -S SRR540188.sam

# convert to BAM, sort and index
samtools view --threads 2 -bS SRR540188.sam > SRR540188.bam
samtools sort --threads 2 SRR540188.bam -o SRR540188.sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 2 SRR540188.sorted.bam

A faster option is to pipe bowtie2 with samtools sort. This also saves hard drive space by not producing the SAM and the BAM file.

bowtie2 -p 3 -x human_index/genome -U SRR540188.trim.fastq | \
        samtools sort --threads 2 -o SRR540188.sorted.bam

# index sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 2 SRR540188.sorted.bam

The alignment_SE.sh script performs all these steps automatically for all trimmed FASTQ files.


BAM files are saved in the results/bowtie2_alignment folder. The terminal output for one sample is shown below.

11:42:38 - Processing sample SRR540192
11:42:38 - bowtie2_alignment step
33796642 reads; of these:
  33796642 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    206048 (0.61%) aligned 0 times
    26798960 (79.29%) aligned exactly 1 time
    6791634 (20.10%) aligned >1 times
99.39% overall alignment rate
[bam_sort_core] merging from 6 files and 2 in-memory blocks...
12:02:33 - indexing bam file
SRR540192 processing time:
    0 h., 20 min., 3 secs.

The whole output is in the alignment_SE.log file.

Peak calling

Once aligned, ChIP peaks, genomic regions where the ChIPed protein is bound that have with significant numbers of mapped reads, must be identified. MACS2, maybe the most popular method, empirically models the shift size of ChIP-seq tags to get better resolution of the predicted peaks.

Merging BAM files of the technical and/or biological replicates can improve the sensitivity of the peak calling by increasing the depth of read coverage. Again, SAM Tools can merge different BAM files and then index the merged BAM file.

# WT samples: SRR540188 SRR540190 SRR540192
samtools merge -@ 2 results/siNT.merged.bam \
               results/bowtie2_alignment/SRR540188.sorted.bam \
samtools index -@ 2 results/siNT.merged.bam

# GATA samples: SRR540189 SRR540191 SRR540193
samtools merge -@ 2 results/siGATA.merged.bam \
               results/bowtie2_alignment/SRR540189.sorted.bam \
samtools index -@ 2 results/siGATA.merged.bam

The mergeBAM_ESR1.sh script will do this automatically and time it.


The terminal output is shown below and saved in the mergeBAM_ESR1.log file


*               MERGING BAM FILES              *

19:34:46 Running file: ./mergeBAM_ESR1.sh

19:34:46 WT BAM files

19:40:21 GATA BAM files

19:45:07 ./mergeBAM_ESR1.sh runtime:
    WT files merging: 0 h., 5 min., 35 secs.
    GATA files merging: 0 h., 4 min., 46 secs.
        total time: 0 h., 10 min., 21 secs.

Now macs2 can be used to identify ChIP peaks as follows.

mkdir -p results/siNT
cd results/siNT
macs2 callpeak -t results/siNT.merged.bam \
               -c results/bowtie2_alignment/SRR540220.sorted.bam \
               -n siNT_vs_input_macs2 \
               -f BAM -g hs -B -q 0.01

# GATA with input control
mkdir -p results/siGATA
cd results/siGATA
macs2 callpeak -t results/siGATA.merged.bam \
               -c results/bowtie2_alignment/SRR540220.sorted.bam \
               -n siGATA_vs_input_macs2 \
               -f BAM -g hs -B -q 0.01

The output is composed of 6 files:

siNT_vs_input_macs2_control_lambda.bdg  siNT_vs_input_macs2_peaks.xls
siNT_vs_input_macs2_model.r             siNT_vs_input_macs2_summits.bed
siNT_vs_input_macs2_peaks.narrowPeak    siNT_vs_input_macs2_treat_pileup.bdg

siNT_vs_input_macs2_peaks.xls has a summary of all information and analyses. siNT_vs_input_macs2_model.r is an R script that can be used to produce a PDF image about the model based on the data using the code

Rscript -vanilla siNT_vs_input_macs2_model.r

Content of siNT_vs_input_macs2_summits.bed (BED format). The summits of the identified peaks.

chr1    18523   18524   siNT_vs_input_macs2_peak_1  37.57343
chr1    22267   22268   siNT_vs_input_macs2_peak_2  14.19932
chr1    136211  136212  siNT_vs_input_macs2_peak_3  21.81518

Content of siNT_vs_input_macs2_peaks.narrowPeak (BED format). The location of the identified peaks.

chr1    18372   18673   siNT_vs_input_macs2_peak_1  375 .   14.6555040.68526    37.57343    151
chr1    22182   22331   siNT_vs_input_macs2_peak_2  141 .   6.2153116.93061 14.19932    85
chr1    136123  136343  siNT_vs_input_macs2_peak_3  218 .   11.9807124.69263    21.81518    88

Content of siNT_vs_input_macs2_treat_pileup.bdg (can be converted to bigwig as described in this link). The peak coverage.

chrUn_KI270748v1    0   62  0.00000
chrUn_KI270748v1    62  165 0.42967
chrUn_KI270748v1    165 191 0.00000

Content of siNT_vs_input_macs2_treat_lambda.bdg (can be converted to bigwig as described in this link). The local lambda to find enriched regions and predict the peaks.

chrUn_KI270748v1    0   169 1.03248
chrUn_KI270748v1    169 175 2.00000
chrUn_KI270748v1    175 216 3.00000

In the following image, the pileup is the firs line, then the summits, the narrow peaks and the calculated lambda followed by the BAM file showing the reads and the coverage.

Now, the next step would be to compute differential binding to compare the peaks identified in siNT (WT) vs siGATA (treatment), the image below shows the same peak in both conditions, siNT and siGATA. This requires specialized tools and will be covered in future posts.

Automate the analysis

The whole analysis can be performed by running sequentially the scripts provided in the script folder. In addition of running the whole analysis for all the samples automatically (mergeBAM_ESR1.sh and run_macs_ESR1.sh must be adapted manually according to the experimental design) the bash scripts will also measure and display the execution time of all the steps.

  1. Create a folder for the whole analysis, e.g. ChIPseq, and another inside called fastq to store the FASTQ files.
  2. Copy the SRR_Acc_List.txt file and the fastq-dump_SRRlist.sh bash script to the ChIPseq/fastq folder and the remaining scripts to the ChIPseq folder.
  3. Run the following code.
# download FASTQ files
cd ChIPseq/fastq

# FASTQ preprocessing
cd ..

# Read alignment

# Call peaks

# Generate model if desired
Rscript -vanilla siNT_vs_input_macs2_model.r

If your data is composed of Paired end sequencing reads, substitute preprocessing_SE.pl and alignment_SE.sh by preprocessing.pl and alignment.sh, respectively.

The log folder has the terminal outputs of all scripts used above.