BCC Drophere Front End Repository

Drophere is a web-based application which is mainly used for file submission. Built with React JS and styled with SASS. The components are provided by BCC Design System.

Project Structure

  • src/components/common contains all general components
  • src/components/panel contains all main screens and its related components. This directory consists of 3 folders, Home for the public accessed pages, Account for the private accessed pages, and Drop for the file submission page.
  • src/contexts contains all methods and states that used by multiple components
  • src/assets contains all assets such as pictures and fonts
  • src/css contains styling files
  • src/utils contains utility and helper functions


Use the package manager yarn to install this repo on your computer.



We really appreciate your help and contribution. In order to contribute, please follow this following instruction:

  1. Clone this repo on your local computer by typing git clone https://github.com/bccfilkom/drophere-frontend.git in your terminal
  2. Make a new branch for your feature/fix with git checkout -b <yourbranchname> Example: git checkout -b add-multiplefiles-submission
  3. git add . to add all the modified and new files to the staging area
  4. git commit -m "your message here" to commit your changes
  5. git push -u origin <yourbranchname>to push to this remote repo
  6. Visit the GitHub repo page, make a pull request from your branch to master
  7. Please kindly wait for us to review and approve your pull request
  8. Once your pull request is approved, your code will be built and immediately deployed on https://drophere.bccfilkom.net